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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. I don't remember. I'm not even sure if it was an NFL centric site or a TV/Internet centric site. But I saw a couple stories that said to the effect "everything is on the table" and team specific season viewing was one of the things they mentioned. I clicked on another article or two more recently from this forum where the take was that isn't going to happen. At this moment it's all speculation quite frankly. I'd love to only be able to pay for Bills games. But if (for example) you can buy the entire package for $300, what do you think the price will be when they can chop it up by team? I'm guessing over $200 per team. WAG. Completely fact and information free. I guess we'll see. I hope I'm wrong and some steps up with something creative and a bit more affordable.
  2. Now that DTV has a streaming option for their regular service, they may indeed charge a bit more for the Ticket. I haven't checked it out yet. But their streaming cable replacement plan seems pretty reasonable. Since my landlord pays for the cable, I'm not really looking for a cable replacement just yet. Adding a streaming service here and there,
  3. $300 last year. No dish needed. Since they will have so many nationally televised games this year, I'm not sure I will renew. But for those who think the price on the Ticket will decrease, you might actually be surprised. I think the only way it might cost less if if they allow you to buy a team-specific plan. I read it was on the table, but I've also read it wasn't likely to happen. My guess is, if one is required to buy the entire package, the price is more likely to increase with a new service. Hope I am wrong about that.
  4. To you in Canada, or who go there to buy beer often: Has anyone seen Molson Stock Ale in stock anywhere? It doesn't seem as though it has been discontinued, but it never seems to be in stock when I, or any of my friends, looks for it
  5. My experience as well. Unless of course you are WAY over the limit.
  6. While I like the attitude of the mantra, the truth is: If I lived everyday as my last, I wouldn't have too many more days to live. Because if I KNOW today is my last day, I'm not working/working out/eating right/etc. I'm getting wasted.
  7. You could have paid only for the ticket on DTV too. Just do the streaming, like I did last year.
  8. I'll reply once more and that's it. I am not/did not do the bolded. You assumed I did that even though I have corrected you on many occasions. I said there was a thread on Motor's gaining muscle. That is TRUE. I said some commented that would hurt him/he would regress: That is also TRUE Why they said it was never an issue. THAT it happened is all that was presented. Even though WHY doesn't matter to my statement, I even showed you some ONLY referred to the muscle gain, with no mention of weight. But again, why was never at issue in my original statement. Everything else is your incredible spinning BS.
  9. Doesn't all that spinning make you dizzy? No weight gain mention nor implied. You may infer it, but that's coming from YOU. Any real man would have simply said, "Sorry Brian, I misinterpreted your post". Or "I had forgotten about that thread" But you aren't nearly enough of a man to admit a mistake. So I'm done with you. Just know I left you twisting around trying to justify your inability to poke a hole in my analogy. I'd done with you here. It would be too cruel to belittle you further.
  10. I'm no fan of cheap beer. But if you are going to chug, isn't that the best use of cheap beer? I know when our group gets together every year, we make it a point to shoot at least one beer. But we don't waste the good beer on that activity. Maybe something like Blue, or Blue Light
  11. That's funny stuff. And probably true! I'm going to take a trip to look at some horses. I bought some microshares of horse ownership on myracehorse.com. NOT as an investment, as I seriously doubt I'll see any financial returns. As an "owner" I get invited to check out the new foals and such in Ocala (and other locations). I was unable to take it in this year, but plan to in the future. Going to Saratoga in August and hoping one of "my" 2-year olds might get a race when I'm there. I might get some access if that happens.
  12. I really like the Gulf Coast. Not sure how affordable it is, but I'd go to Punta Gorda in a heartbeat. Love the Ocala forest area. So I'd consider that an inland exception.
  13. Sorry. That's YOUR implication, not mine. EVERYTHING I said in this thread has been supported. The reports and thread I referred to exist, despite your insistence they did not. I NEVER implied the Motor situation was about weight. You can try to mind read all you want, but you are completely unqualified to read mine. There was only ONE argument I presented. Last year people made comments Motor's muscle gain would hamper his game. There is ZERO doubt that happened. Any other meaning you are trying to create, is of your own invention. I know you are far too arrogant to admit it, but give it a try. Fonzie almost pulled it off.
  14. What does that mean?
  15. There are affordable areas. As stated, they tend to be inland. A question I'd ask myself is, "Do I really want to live in Palatka*?" * whatever inland town you may be looking at I basically moved here to help my sister take care of our ailing mother, father and brother. I knew St Augustine was OK, so it wasn't a hard decision. If they lived south or inland, I sometimes wonder if I would have left San Francisco.
  16. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/07/14/gabriel-davis-has-added-muscle-this-offseason-now-weighs-227/
  17. Never going to happen. The NFL will NOT close down for two weeks (or even one week). IMO--but I think it's obvious. In order to get to 18 games with two byes. They will likely convert a preseason game to a regular season game. IMO some preseason is necessary. If not for the players and coaches, for the refs/production crews/etc. Every year there are rookies in those positions, too. There are also rule tweaks and such that need to be implemented. Better to make as many mistakes as possible before the season starts. But at this rate, the Super Bowl will be played while baseball spring training is going on. This year it's on February 12th (my birthday, actually). That's pretty late already.
  18. Go Mazie! Thanks for the update.
  19. Is this true? Impossible? Do those fat loads who transform their bodies into muscles are actually gaining MORE fat? I'm no expert in this, but this sounds wrong.
  20. The only person lying here is you. You seem determined to attempt to twist what I said. Let's reviews exactly what I posted. I never said, nor inferred, the discussion about Motor was about his weight. I said it was about his gaining muscle, It WAS. I already showed you the thread. You keep tossing out absolutes that prove to be false. You posted the ONLY story last year was his working on speed. I've obviously showed you there were stories about his muscle gain . I never claimed it was the first story about Singletary. That the stories are derivative means absolutely nothing to my claim of their existence. I was saying, and will say again, there WERE stories about his muscle gain. And there was at least one thread about that on here. I've supplied it for your convenience. Now you are saying: Perhaps you skipped some replies on the thread I supplied. So apparently your assertion that NOBODY was saying the added muscle would be bad, is in incorrect. There were several mentions. I'm thinking you want me to be saying something I did not. I said exactly what I said. I backed up the analogy. Your insistence that I was conflating muscle and weight with respect to speed is an invention in your own mind. I never did that. The analogy was about hot-take reactions to a player changing his physique in some way, and assuming it will be a negative impact. Pretty simple. And true.
  21. Best to Mazie. A beautiful dog. I'm looking forward to some good news. Gary is a real cutie, too.
  22. An old thread about this very subject, that apparently was NEVER a story:
  23. This isn't the only article, as many of the pictures were on Twitter and such (that's what I recall, anyway). https://buffalonews.com/sports/bills/bills-devin-singletary-blocks-out-the-noise-while-putting-in-the-work-to-improve/article_3902cc42-c94f-11eb-9421-5bfa31ca2b65.html https://heavy.com/sports/buffalo-bills/bills-devin-singletary-workout/ Guess it wasn't the ONLY story, huh?
  24. So, by your logic, ALL things weigh the same, as a pound is a pound? Did I get that right? A cup of feathers weighs less than a cup of BBs. I never said, nor meant to imply a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. Where did you get that from? Just FYI an ounce of feathers weighs MORE than an ounce of gold. That article isn't what I am referring to. There were pictures posted of Motors transformed body, especially the major growth of his thighs, on this board. Several here, when viewing the evidence, claimed that would hinder his performance and speed. So, what's your point. Do you think Gabe is gaining fat weight? Do you think he's bulking up on junk food? Are you predicting he will be slower and/or less productive this year due to the extra weight? I'm not concluding anything. I'm just saying this is a guy who trains very hard. If he is gaining weight on purpose, I will assume it is done in the right way, and not simply adding fat. And I won't automatically assume that will make him slower or less effective, over the course of the season.
  25. Correct. Muscle weighs more than fat. Gabe is a guy who really works so he isn't sitting around getting fat. I have to assume he is approaching it in a healthy manner. Why would anyone choose to believe the opposite? I remember hot-take idiots saying Singletary's major addition of muscle last year would slow him down and hurt his game. How'd that turn out?
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