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The Dean

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Posts posted by The Dean

  1. I disagree with you. Letting the courts waste time with matters such as this are nothing more than Motherment. I don't think laws and courts should have to decide common sense matters...



    It was "common sense" that women shouldn't vote. It was "common sense" that Blacks were inferior to whites. This is a truly a crazy argument. One man's "common sense" is another man's "that the stupidest thing I've ever heard"


    HopsGuy is right on the money.

  2. Here is an interesting story on his failure.  Seems he hasa bad habit of telling management that he can turn sh-- into gold.  He is still living off the glory days of Anthony Munoz in Cincy. 






    I don't see anything here:



    Popular theory has it that McNally, likened by some to a mad scientist for his ability to take the unlikeliest combinations and succeed with them, lobbied hard against bringing in veteran depth.


    “Not true,” the 59-year-old McNally said. “All I said was, I like young players. If you get a veteran, get a healthy one you can coach. Get a three or four-year guy. But those guys cost a lot of money, and after you paid Luke and paid Richie big money, you couldn’t afford another guy."



    ...that suggests McNally told mgt he could turn s#it into gold...do you?

  3. I agree. I've watched Duke closely and even if he was a 10 year vet I'd say he was playing really well - perhaps the best of the lot. He looks like a great find, and the scouting dept. deserves some credit. Middle round gems like him and Terrence McGee (who I believe is going to be considered Great in time) cannot be denied.



    TD sucks, dude. Haven't you been paying attention? <_<

  4. You're not understanding.  April was able to take a bunch of scrubs, and make them average. 


    Mcnally had at least Pettigoat and Diehl that year, not sure who else, and they were absolutely terrible.  Even if he had below average talent, he was unable to do anything with it.  April didn't have that problem.  While April's ST didn't shine they were not nearly as bad as the nedia would have you believe.




    First of all...forget stats and the media. I saw the Rams play WAY too often and their ST play sucked. Maybe not statistically, but they rarely came up big and usually screwed up when the game was on the line. (At least that's my recollection. I'm old, I drink, etc.). Bobby had very little to work with and it showed. My feeling is that it's the same for McNally...here and when he was with the Giants.


    Fortunately (or unfortunately) I think we'll see what he can do with some better (or at least, more consistant) talent. His reputation is such that I think he'll get that opportunity in Buffalo.

  5. Did Vilarial get hit by a bus or something?

    He's the best guard on the team, under contract for next year as far as I know and I haven't even seen him mentioned in this thread.  :lol:



    Didn't notice your comment before I made mine. :lol:


    Since he's not mentioned in this thread, I guess old CV is gone. <_<

  6. You know it is a very interesting situation......


    Lets face it....When Mike is healthy he is a pretty good RT...BUT...we are paying him a kings ransom and have other players we need to sign.  He needs to take a paycut this next offseason.  For now I say he is still the RT of now and the future (German is AWFUL)


    I think that the OL of next year will be:


    LT - ? (it is either going to be a vet or a #1 draft pick (I hope)

    LG - Mike Gandy

    C - Duke Preston

    RG - Ben Anderson

    RT- Mike Williams


    Reasons being:


    - Mike Gandy is a better guard then center

    - We drafted Preston as a pure center

    - Ben Anderson is a beter RG then a LG




    So does everyone think Chris Villarrial is done...or gone? He's not a free agent next year, I don't think.

  7. Not really.  If you actually look and don't listen to the media, April had a middle of the road coverage team, which gave up no TD's in 2003.  See:




    The media used him as a whipping boy, and it was more Martz who would not let him use any 1st stringers on any coverages.  So considering he used on 2nd stringers he did pretty damn good. 


    In addition his kicking was tops in the NFL.



    Again, media hype sucks and reality is different then facts. 

    Mcnally on the other hand in 2003 was the line coach for one of the worst rushing teams in the NFL. 




    He also had close to giving up the most sacks of any team. 


    Yet last year,  Barber seemed to get hit less, doesn't fumble nearly a much, and even with a rookie immobile QB, they give up 10 less sacks.



    That was my point re:April...he had crappy talent and relatively crummy special teams (for a guy who's supposed to be a terrific special teams coach).


    So, I guess my quesstion is, "Is the OL the exact same as when McNally was there?" My recollection is McNally had a terrible problem with injuries with the Giants...and pretty poor back up talent.

  8. The Infomercial thread reminded me about this commercial I see during every prime time game, and I have to wonder if Rhino Lining is just a regional thing, or if the rest of you see this commercial.


    I ask because this is the single worst commercial I've ever seen in prime time.


    First of all, the background music is some heavy bluesy jazz Buddy Guy-like thing going on to set the tone for toughness, but actually sounds more like a porn soundtrack. And then they have these three guys telling you why the only spray-on truck bedliner they'd ever use is Rhino Lining.


    One guy uses a great advertising line as he stands near his truck: "Twelve years, 200,000 miles, two engines, but still the original Rhino Lining." Now this is messed up because he could have had the Rhino Lining put on yesterday, so OF COURSE it's the original Rhino Lining. So we learn a lesson about implied and inferred.


    But the real problem for me are the three guys in the commercial. The ad agency decided to use three guys who are supposed to look tough. The problem is that one of them looks like a freakin' hobbit. Or a leprechaun. Hobbits and leprechauns aren't tough because they're short, squirrely dudes who may be tough in the shire against other midgets, but in the world of tough guys driving pickup trucks with spray-on bedlining, I'm sure they regularly get their curly-toed shoes knocked off their furry little feet.


    Just curious: anyone else get this commercial and if so, is the dude a hobbit or a leprechaun?


    Or maybe he's a gnome.


    Okay. Back to work.



    Well here's the ad (1 and 2 minute version)




    The music is fine but the vocals are totally w/o soul. It's clearly a very white guy trying to sing a blues tune.


    Haven't seen this in SF...but, I haven't been watching my usual amount of TV since I've been here.

  9. Yeah curious isn't it.  Giants get rid of Mcnally and now they have a solid Oline and QB. 


    We get Mcnally and our line is worse. 


    Note to fans, just because a guy is from Buffalo does not mean he is good at his job.




    Well, I wouldn't bash McNally just yet. He has a GREAT reputation around the league...not just in the Bufftown. Despite a dearth of talent he seemed to be making some progress last year...and then JJ left...and BAM! a rash of injuries. I'll be curious to see what kind of progress the line makes over the next few weeks.


    What you say is true, "just because a guy is from Buffalo does not mean he is good at his job." It's also true that just because he coaches in Buffalo doesn't mean he's bad at his job. Also, it doesn't necessarily mean that he's bad at his job because his OL isn't getting the job done. Need an example of what I'm talking about? Bobby April. His Special Teams SUCKED in St. Louis.

  10. I find NBA officials to be the worst...by far.


    With that said, I have a big problem with many MLB umpires. They are FAR too confrontational. They scream and yell at managers and players. They're the officials, they should not be involved in these screaming debates...they should merely walk away. They have all the power, there is no need to get involved in an argument.


    When Roberto Alomar spit on the ump, it was bad...but I put the blame primarily on the ump. He followed Alomar around screaming at him. WTF was that?


    Oh...and another thing. The strike-zone is well documented. There is no need for individual interpretation. Just call it AS WRITTEN. All will be fine.


    There's been a lot said about the part-time status of NFL officials and I agree they should be full-time. But I think the biggest problem with some NFL officials is they are just too damn old. C'mon the guy who got blasted in the Bills game last week looked to be pushing 60.

  11. I always got a good chuckle reading stuff like that, insinuating that he suddenly couldn't coach.

    You might be able to argue that it's hard for him to be an effective recruiter at that age, but saying the guy doesn't know his business on gameday is ludicrous.  :)



    It's amazing to me on shows like "The Sports Reporters" they complain about the way College sports are run these days. Then they bash Paterno and say the game has passed him by and he should retire.


    His age MIGHT be a problem for recruiting...but his biggest recruiting problem is he actually operates a relatively "pure" program. How often has there been even a sniff of a NCAA violation on one of Joe's teams? Joe's players have to go to class...who the hell wants to do that when you can play at Ohio State or The U...or for Bobby Bowden? Even Notre Dame doesn't operate at the level of Paterno...and they barely have to recruit....they are, after all, Notre Freakin Dame. Perhaps Stanford has a similar situation...but, they have an inside edge with the REALLY SMART athletes.


    Anyway, I'm rootin for PSU in a big way this year. I'd love to see Joe Pa go out on top.

  12. Thi

    The kids serving drinks got pretty nervous and also started being propositioned by several of the reported 17 members of the Vikings team present to join in and were offered money as well to do so.


    Now, if you go to Sundowners or any Club, you expect to experience various degrees of adult entertainment at an establishment that is licensed to provide said entertainment. The real problem that will stem from all of this is that these partiers took over a public, non-licensed charter boat and subjected the employees to conduct that they were not prepared for nor expecting.


    The media here is having an absolute field-day with this and on top of all the other ridiculous things that have surrounded this franchise over the past decade or so, it could well delay a new stadium here (which is badly needed) for years.


    The Charter Company has retained a very well known attorney to advise them on the best course of action. UGLY is what this will become for the Vikes new owner.


    I bet the Purple are really glad that they got rid of that no good trouble making Randy Moss. :doh: I’m betting that right about now, they’d gladly take a fake mooning of Packer fans over this crap.




    "Now, if you go to Sundowners or any Club, you expect to experience various degrees of adult entertainment at an establishment that is licensed to provide said entertainment. The real problem that will stem from all of this is that these partiers took over a public, non-licensed charter boat and subjected the employees to conduct that they were not prepared for nor expecting."





  13. Gimmie a good, solid gameplan.  Involve Willis, keep Peters at TE, and get Lee Evans off.  Maybe debut Roscoe on a key 3rd down slot play. 




    As long as they do this:


    "Gimmie a good, solid gameplan. Involve Willis, keep Peters at TE, and get Lee Evans off. Maybe debut Roscoe on a key 3rd down slot play.


    ...what the difference what they say about who starts at QB? Do you think MM is taking time away from the game plan to sculpt his QB answers?

  14. Do you think he might sign my friend's #32 jersey with a nameplate that says "Guilty"?




    Linksfriend...your sig reminded me of a story I read the other day (can't find the link). The guy who wrote "The Hokey-Pokey" died recently...I think he was almost 100 years old.


    The weird thing is they had a LOT of trouble getting him into the coffin. First they'd put his left foot in...well, I think you know what happened after that. :doh:


    I kill me! :blush:

  15. 2 over-rated teams from subpar conferences playing for an imaginary title while squads like Texas, Georgia, Michigan State and Alabama play some other meaningless games.

    Yep, sounds like college football.  :doh:



    How 'bout that Jo Pa? Game passed him by, my ass!

  16. IMO JP needs to play at LEAST 8 games this year - preferably more. With any fewer next year starts just like this year.


    I like winning as much as any of the rest of you - but JP needs to be in the huddle, making plays not stood watching on the sideline.


    Look at the Niners - they're going with Alex Smith NOW - at 1-3, just like the Bills were...


    I'm not giving up on the season - but if we are going to have any long-term success or a shot at the title it's going to be with JP at the helm. He needs playing time pure and simple.


    If he's not back in in 3 weeks time, we'll be mortgaging next year on his development too.




    I wold LOVE for JP to be playing now...but I don't buy your setup or your comparison.


    When does Phillip Rivers NEED to play? Alex Smith is playing now because the alternative (Rattay) wasn't an option...he sucks out loud...stinks on ice (not that ICE). Holcomb is an actual QB...not one of the league's elite, mind you. But, I'll put him on par with at least half the starting QBs in the league.


    Certainly there have been numerous QBs who learned on the bench and in relief.


    I might be more worried if the kid wasn't saying the right things...and if KH wasn't saying the right things.

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