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The Dean

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Posts posted by The Dean

  1. Im still racking my brain trying to figure out how saying an ethnic group does something WELL is "racist" or "offensive"






    "We lost the trial because I couldn't afford a Jewish laywer. Everybody knows Jews make better lawyers."


    "No way we could compete in that drinking contest. That whole team was Irish. Nobody can drink like an Irish guy."


    I cold go on...but, why?

  2. I worked with this yeast (Candida albicans). When grown on a petri plate, it smells just like bakers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). It can ferment sugar to alcohol just like bakers yeast. It causes thrush in infants and is a problem in AIDS patients. It can become a problem in the female reproductive system when the balance of the flora (bacteria/yeast) is disrupted due to , for example antibiotics.

    If a woman is treated for a yeast infection, her partner should also be treated. The male can carry the yeast with no symptoms and then re-infect her.

    Still, using a sample from a person to make beer disgusts me.  Using yeast obtained from a cell bank that has been grown in the lab for years might be tolerable.




    This reminds me...Years ago I had a girlfriend who developed several yeast infections. After awhile, I had to ask her, "You fuc#kin' the Pillsbury Doughboy?"

  3. A guy I know just moved out there (San Fran) a few months ago from Boston and works for Current.  His name is Colin, and his wife just had a baby in September (I don't want to put his last name on the board).  If you know who I'm talking about, tell him Johnny says hi.  His wife and my wife are very good friends.




    Just spoke with him. He says you're an as$hole! :doh:

  4. I posted this in the costume threaad...but, decided it neede to have it's own. Sorry for the repetitive redundancy...


    I SWEAR this is a true story.


    I was bartending at Vincent's Just Pasta Plus in Buffalo. Big fat Billy put his girlfriend up in an apt upstairs from the restaurant. They came in on a very busy Friday night. As they walked in several people at the bar shouted..."Hey Billy"..I'm pretty sure they were friends of Fucillo, not just "fans", as he bought their drinks.


    Anyway...as he walked in and they were greeting him, I picked up the remote control from the back bar, pointed it at Billy and clicked it a few times. After nothing happened I said to the people at the bar, "Damn! That always works at home."


    The ones that got it were laughing their asses off.


    I crack me up! :doh:

  5. Isn't he fast asleep by then? A full day of bandwagon jumping must wear the little guy out.




    "Little guy"? :doh::P;):lol::lol::lol:


    Obviously you've never met T-Bone (aka Big Gay Al, aka The Comic Book Guy, aka The Yellow Rose of Texas, aka Scrooge McDuck).

  6. Two incredibly annoying car dealers that have commercials that seemingly run every hour on the hour etc. Here's a link that describes them.




    I SWEAR this is a true story.


    I was bartending at Vincent's Just Pasta Plus in Buffalo. Big fat Billy put his girlfriend up in an apt upstairs from the restaurant. They came in on a very busy Friday night. As they walked in several people at the bar shouted..."Hey Billy"..I'm pretty sure they were friends of Fucillo, not just "fans", as he bought their drinks.


    Anyway...as he walked in and they were greeting him, I picked up the remote control from the back bar, pointed it at Billy and clicked it a few times. After nothing happened I said to the people at the bar, "Damn! That always works at home."



    I KILL me! :doh:

    The ones that got it were laughing their asses off.

  7. Hey,

    I was wondering if anyone has a definitive answer on it.  I thought it was MacNally, the team website says MacNally, but the media guide sent out to season ticket holders lists Frank Verducci (pg 22).  What's the deal?



    Obviously you have just solved the OL mystery. Good old Jim is holed up in some WNY Saloon (maybe Annacones?) while some jamoke named Frank Verducci is runnin' the O-Line. My, Oh, My!


    BTW, they are both listed as OL coaches on the teams website:




    Doesn't McNally look like he could be the father of the "runaway bride"?

  8. i thaught Holcomb was the "spark" that was gunna turn things around. Holcomb has won 2 of the last 3. hes playing MUCH better than JP was. its our D thats loosing games for us now.



    While I agree that KH will, and should, start this week...the SPARK is Willis. At the risk of sounding like a guy on a crusade, 16 rushing attempts is nowhere NEAR enough, He should be getting 30+ evey game...certainly no less than 25. He had 4 (FOUR) rushing attempts in the second half. We were not that far behind that we had to pass the entire 3rd quarter.


    The spark is WILLIS! Run the GD Ball!

  9. Well a little bit of both with some realism sprinkled in. After seeing Milloy and crew just getting wiped out week after week, can you see us coming into next year with either Milloy, Vincent, Posey, Adams as starters next year?


    Can you realistically think Teague is gooing to be our starting center?  If we get pummeled on Sunday night, is it not right to start seeing some of the younger guys and getting them some experience. Lets see Preston and Peters and get them game time experience




    Can I see all 4 of those players starting next year? Actually, yes. But I'd bet at least 2 of them start next year.


    As for Teague...I'm not as big a Teague basher as many here...but, I don't think he'll be the starting center next year.

  10. r u fuken stupid?....the pats game is revealed




    Well...YES I AM stoopid. A little bit, anyway. Now, I'm confused about the headline, I guess. Shouldda just read Bills will lose...go 8-8. Bitm I'll just keep that to myself. <_<

  11. It is certainly conceivable. It is not as if that their performance in Oakland gave me any reason to be optimistic. Houston and SF will probably finish with a worse record than Buffalo, though.




    Just as a reality check, at this point in time there are 12 (TWELVE) teams with a worse record than the Bills. They don't look so hot, either.

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