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The Dean

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Posts posted by The Dean

  1. I woldn't be surprised if Drew and Terrell part company. I don't think Rosenhaus wants this guy around any more either. Plus, he's not likely to get the HUGE money he deserves for his play...but probably won't get because he's an idiot. (Someone WILL sign him...and not for the minimum. But I think you can forget about a huge multi-year deal for awhile.)


    I'm not saying it WILL happen...just that I won't be surprised if it does.

  2. I looked at the thread subject "My favorite time of the year is coming..." and I thought, "well, me too, but it's more like my favorite time of the day". :o



    SOMEBODY had to say it! :P


    Which reminds me of one of my favorite holiday poems:


    Christmas comes but once a year

    It brings much joy and laughter

    People come much more than that

    But they have to clean up after! :D

  3. Should we bench Willis McGahee, to see how good Lionel Gates will be next year?

    Lets' hope Losman is much more thick skinned than his fans are...personally, I think he is.



    If you thought Kelly was a top QB...or even one we'd be able to ride for a few years, then you analogy might have some basis...but, even you know it is absurd. I haven't heard anyone try to make the case that Kelly is a terrific QB, our QB of the future, etc. Clearly Willis is a first-rate back with the prospect of many good years in front of him. How does this relate to the JP/KH situation?


    BTW, I agree about JP is probably fine and not ruined due to the benching, as some would have us believe.

  4. Uh, I was at that game, and remember far more passes that were woefully off target, than passes that slipped through recievers hands...he was really pretty bad...I know he is young, and didn't expect perfection, but he was really bad, in what should have been a very winnable game.  Eric Moulds was so open on numerous plays in that game (his is the only drop I remember), and Losman underthrew, overthrew, or just did not throw at all.




    That's why I think you should watch it again (if ya can bear it, that is). You can't see it all when you're at the game.

  5. Not to mention the 2seconds that the OL allowed him to make a play downfield.



    Of course, that goes without saying...but, well said.


    Hey, I'm rooting for whoever starts. If we win, I'll be happy. My pick would be the kid (JP) protected by a lopsided running attack...max protect...short throws using the TEs and backs...etc.

  6. Agreed, all I remember is a bunch of really inaccurate passes and wide open recievers that never got looks.



    I think you and Buftex (and a whole slew of other Wallers) should look at that game again. He was far less innacurate in that game (YES, I realize I didn't say accurate). Many of his passes were flat-out dropped, and the play-calling was horrendous. While he certainly had room for improvement, he was getting the ball to his receivers so they could have, and SHOULD have made the catch...they did not.

  7. Holcomb has been playing well. much better than JP was. it would be stupid to start JP now. with the pats loosing, we are not out of it yet.


    and i will also say, !@#$ orton. he is below average at best. the only reason why people like this guy is because the guy who used to be their QB is also a BUM.


    why bench Holcomb when hes playing well?




    If we REALLY play hard-nosed ball-control ball and Willis gets 30 plus carries, I don't think the QB makes a huge difference in whether or not the Bills win. Plus, playing JP gets him the experience needed and gives the Bills a chance to see if he really has what it takes (I think he does, BTW).


    I also think JP was playing well his last game...I know the stats don't support it, but I saw what I saw.

  8. Manning makes their 3rd WR look great.


    Harrison is a very good WR, doesnt talk trash, a real class act.


    but i hate to say it, but TO and or Moss are better.


    but i would take Harrison over eather of those 2 guys any day.




    Marvin is all-around better, IMO because he brings it every-day and every-play. He'll block...he'll decoy as if he's the prime target. Moss is lazy if he's not the prime target or if it's a running play. TO's been known to block on a running play, but he misses too many games for "personal" reasons.


    Marvin's had some complaints about his lack of touches...but he's never made it a spectacle. Marvin's the man...hands down, IMO.

  9. Actually, I believe Norman Theesman was correct on this comment if you keep it in context. If memory serves, what he was saying was you can't run 11 or 12 play drives and keep coming up with three points against the Patriots, and he was right. We need to get the ball into the endzone when we're in the redzone because we're not good enough defensively to win a game of field goals.




    "Norman" good one. That was a classic Theeseman.


    BTW, while we're trashing ESPN announcers:


    Is there anybody on TV worse than Kenny Mayne? How can anyone be that UNfunny? A couple of guys trying hard to be as bad as Kenny...Neil Everett and Scott Van Pelt. These jamokes make me miss Stuart Scott.

  10. Hindsight makes Coughlin the obvious choice now. 




    No it doesn't. Half a good season doesn't make him an obvious choice in hindsight. I wouldn't let that POS douchebag use my toilet. His team is winning right now...wanna bet he doesn't go far into the playoffs? This guy is NOT a great coach. My guess is he will do something incredibly stupid and the team wll impload. Of course, I might be wrong.

  11. Unleashed last nite?  He had Colin Quinn on and they were talking of their SNL days, then Breuer went into almost an hour on the episode when Pesci and DeNiro walked on to SNL, OMG I was in tears listening to that stuff, if he ever does that replay, ya gotta listen, it was priceless




    That was a great sketch. But, is anyone less funny on a regular basis than Jim Breuer? Has to be one of the All Time Worst SNL cast members.

  12. What a gal!    <_<

    One other possibility...maybe it's Lisa Guerrero, who by the way will be naked in the January issue of Playboy.




    Could be LG...but, she says she is a "news" anchor. Now Jillian isn't an anchor. but has done the weather. I don't think LG has ever been involved with news.


    Could be Bree Walker (Jim Lampley's club-handed wife). Probably some pimply faced teenaged boy living out his fantasy...or Gene Shalit.

  13. Same way I judged Gates - not considered a "good reserve" yet since he hasn't done much, if anything, on the field.




    Mebbe my mistake. I thought you called him an "Actual liablilty"...I see now you lumped those in with "inactive"

  14. Yep - Still Stuck Here - Coming To The Game ?


    I hit the MT at Hertel & Delaware first day I get home (used to be an Arby's)


    BTW - They are opening an Arby's nearby soon - people can't seem to wait  <_<


    We ate there when we were poor students - 2 / 99cents




    Back then, Arby's didn't totally suck. They've changed their meat from those times, I believe.


    I should be at the game. I'll PM you to find out where the meet-up is.

  15. My dissenting opinion:


    A. For several guys on your list, you are being quite liberal with the use of the term "good reserves." Guys like Denney and Preston are good reserves. Guys like Euhus, Wire, Fast Freddie, Aiken, Bannan, Gates, etc... are either inactives or actual liabilities on the field.


    B. Not sure why you listed Dan O'Leary. He never even made the 2002 Bills roster, and was completely out of the NFL after 2 seasons.


    C. Keeping a lot of your draft picks can also be proof of "draft cronyism" more so than proof of good drafting, especially when the team's overall record has been piss-poor likes ours has been in the past 5 years.


    D. Look at the day 2 picks in those 5 years, and you'll find only 1 current starter - Terrence McGee. This has got to be below the average for NFL franchises drafting since 2001.


    E. Look at the day 1 picks, where you would expect some starters to be found, and you find 11 players who have started games this season. But looking more closely at their production, you'll see that while 2 are among the top players at their position (McGahee, Clements), 3 are ho-hum contributors (Schobel, Kelsay, Mike Williams), 2 are career backups who are only starting because of injuries (Tim Anderson - yes, I think he'll never be good - and Crowell), 1 is on IR now and won't be in the league next year (Ron Edwards), 2 are having major sophomore slumps (Losman, Evans), and 1 is a chronic injury problem taking up a lot of cap space on another team (Jennings on the 49ers). I can only count 6 day 1 TD draft picks who I think have a better than 50% chance of starting for the Bills by Opening Day 2006 (Clements, Schobel, MW, McGahee, Kelsay, and Evans; I personally have strong doubts that Losman or Everett will be starting by then). That, I'm guessing, would also be below the NFL team average for the day 1 drafting period of 2001-2005.


    F. Tom Donahoe sucks.  <_<



    Just wondering, how can you judge Euhus yet?

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