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The Dean

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Posts posted by The Dean

  1. Looks like a 3 for 2 sale at the plastic surgeon.


    I'm an ass guy, forgive me.




    Nice ass, legs, neck, shoulders, skin, face...all more important than huge breasts, IMO. As long as they don't sag, then I'm usually cool.

  2. OK, I agree to an extent.  So, if I add numbers from the three previous years, it gets even worse than this.  So, what does that tell us about the GM after 5 years?




    He's a GM in a small market with a cheap-ish owner who was saddled by terrible decisions and horrible cap problems from the previous regime. He made a terrible choice with his first head coach and replaced that HC with another rookie HC. His draft picks and FA moves (including UDFAs) have, for the most part, been pretty impressive...but the team remains poor. Grade C-


    He gets another year to show that things are turning around.

  3. Regarding Mularkey....How bout these numbers, what kind of reputation does this kind of record get you?


    24 Games of Data




    Vs. teams under .500 (8-3)

    Vs. teams at .500 (2-1)

    Vs. teams over .500 (2-8) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets (home)


    On the road......


    Vs. teams under .500 (2-3) Worst Loss vs. 5-11 Oakland

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-1)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 9-7 Seattle


    At home.....


    Vs. teams under .500 (6-0) N/A

    Vs. teams at .500 (1-0)

    Vs. teams over .500 (1-4) Best win vs. 10-6 NY Jets



    What is says to me is: He's a first time/first year (and part of second year) coach of a crappy team and his team is winning almost all the games they should win, but few of the games they shouldn't. B-/C+

  4. 3.  He led by doing with the Bills but when he opened his mouth it was a big part of his teams being called the Bickering Bills. It was actually the team developing a shared leadership model as folks like Tasker got respect with their good play that provided the winning balance we needed. The first SB team may well have lost because they partied too hard before the game as Jimbo was a football leader on the field but a party and drinking leader off the field.


    I really doubt Kelly would survive the political hardball of a campaign.



    Regarding #3. It always seemed to me that Kelly would shoot off his mouth in the Buftown press...but he always said the right thing on the National stage.


    My point? Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is he's not right for Mayor of Buffalo...but, he may be able to run for President.


    WOW...THAT'S a scary thought! :huh:

  5. Too early to tell for MM , but can already proclaim Weis and Crennel as good NFL HCs ??  :huh:




    I think Romeo is doing a decent job in Cleveland...but you're point is well taken. Neither of them is a proven NFL head coach.


    BTW, I'd take MM over Jim Fassel any day of the week...and Billick, apparently, has NO clue of what offense is or what a QB does.

  6. HEAT. DeNiro and Pacino in one of the absolute worst POS movies I've ever seen. In one scene they are sitting at a table talking to each other (supposedly) and all I can think of is, "These guys really SUCK here." Terrible, terrible acting. It's not unusual to see Pacino suck out loud...but DeNiro?

  7. Wow, I don't really have anything to add about the Chiefs.


    I just wanted to say hey to the old timers out there. I met some of you guys in '03 at the Bills game at Arrowhead. I wish I was going to Buffalo! It's about time KC had to travel to Buffalo. It always seemed like the Bills were coming to Kansas City.


    I'd also like to extend an invite to any of the Chiefs message boards. I'd love for a Bills fan to give a rundown on Buffalo a la cmh6746. I'll be lurking here in case none of you feel adventurous enough to try wildbillschiefs.com or chiefsplanet.com :huh:




    Nice Avatar. Quick change artist, I see.

  8. To Bill Brasky!


    Second: Did I ever tell you about the time Bill Brasky sold me into slavery?

    First: Well, if you're talking about Bill Brasky, I believe it!

    Second: Oh, yeah! He puts me on a ship to Thailand, right? And I'm chained to a pipe. Meanwhile, ol' Brasky, he's back in the States siring three beautiful children with my wife!

    First: I hate Bill Brasky.. but I respect him!




    Dat's it! Thank you so much! Jack's post reminds me so much of that sketch.

  9. 1. Teddy Bruschi showed me a video of him making love to my wife, and it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw.


    2. I was once in the back of a pickup truck with Teddy Bruschi and a dead deer. Bruschi went up to the deer and said "Im Teddy Bruschi..SAY IT!" Then he manipulates the deers lips in such a way as to say Teddy Bruschi. It wasn't perfect. But it was pretty good for a deer.


    3. His favorite movie is One on One with Robby Benson.


    4. He once punched a hole in a cow to see who was coming up the road.


    5. He orchestrated the merger of UNICEF and Smith & Wesson.


    6. He went public with his own buttocks and made $7 million.


    7. His poop is used as currency in Argentina.


    8. Did I ever tell you about the time Bruschi went hunting.  Bruschi decides he is going to hunt down all four banana splits.  He stalks and kills every one of them with a machete..They all begged for their lives, except Fleagle.


    9. We once had a bachelor party for Teddy Bruschi.  He ate the entire cake before we could tell him there was a stripper inside it.


    10. He has a toenail on the end of his penis.


    11. They use Bruschi's foreskin as a tarp to cover the field at Fenway Park.


    12. He once breast fed a flamingo back to health.




    This whole Bruschi thing...and especially this post, remind me of the SNL skit with John Goodman when the guys are in the bar singing the praises of a guy who's name escapes me (but it sounds a LOT like Brew-ski). I think this is lifted directly from than skit...no?


    Good job, either way, BTW>

  10. Kelly was one of the toughest sonsabitches to ever play QB. That being said,the guy isn't exactly rocket science material.We've got enough mentally challenged people running the country as it is...




    BINGO! Love Jim. Great QB. Not the brightest bulb on the tree.

  11. The Buffalo Mayor race was yesterday, won by Byron Brown.


    I see our Bills play by play man, John Murphy is now the husband of the new Orchard Park town supervisor. Mary Travers used to be a reporter on Channel 7, where Murphy is still the Sports director.  She always seemed like a sharp cookie. Good for her.



    I know her (a little)...enough to know, "sharp cookie" she is not. She's nice enough, though and Murph's good people.

  12. See My Vest


    Burns: Some men hunt for sport,

    Others hunt for food,

    The only thing I'm hunting for,

    Is an outfit that looks good...


    See my vest, see my vest,

    Made from real gorilla chest,

    Feel this sweater, there's no better,

    Than authentic Irish setter.


    See this hat, 'twas my cat,

    My evening wear - vampire bat,

    These white slippers are albino

    African endangered rhino.


    Grizzly bear underwear,

    Turtles' necks, I've got my share,

    Beret of poodle, on my noodle

    It shall rest,


    Try my red robin suit,

    It comes one breast or two,

    See my vest, see my vest,

    See my vest.


    Like my loafers? Former gophers -

    It was that or skin my chauffeurs,

    But a greyhound fur tuxedo

    Would be best,


    So let's prepare these dogs,


    Mrs. Potts: Kill two for matching clogs,


    Burns: See my vest, see my vest,

    Oh please, won't you see my vest.



  13. I'm plenty worried, but had the Chiefs lost to New Bruschi (We're not worthy!) on Sunday, I'd say there's little hope. That tough win gave us a tiny (very tiny) chance, IMO.


    I still don't have any idea how we stop their running game. But, I think we MAY be able to move the ball against their D.


    BTW, nice job Cheif-guy. You're no Lori...but, you're all right.

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