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The Dean

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Posts posted by The Dean

  1. Let's see, I'm a Bills fan...so I want the Bills to win as many games as they can and to go as far as they can. I'd rather have them lose the first playoff game than not make the playoffs.


    As I don't think KH gives us a better chance to win than JP, I'd prefer we win as many games as we can with JP...but if one of the QBs actually DOES give us a better chance to win I'd prefer we win as many games as we can with the QB that gives us the better chance to win more games.


    I never, Never, EVER hope the Bills lose a game, or don't make the playoffs. While I like som players better than others, I root for the team regardless of who is in the game. I never, Never, EVER hope one of our players falters so they have to bring in the guy I like better.


    See...I'm a BILLS fan.

  2. One Star Hangover (*)

    No pain. No real feeling of illness. You're able to function relatively well However, you are still parched. You can drink 5 sodas and still feel this way. For some reason, you are craving a steak & fries.


    Two Star Hangover (**)

    No pain, but something is definitely amiss. You may look okay, but you have the mental capacity of a staple gun. The coffee you are chugging is only increasing your rumbling gut, which is still tossing around the fruity pancake from the 3:00 AM Waffle House excursion. There is some definite havoc being wreaked upon your bowels.


    Three Star Hangover (***)

    Slight headache. Stomach feels crappy. You are definitely not productive. Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the flavored schnapps shots your alcoholic friends dared you to drink. Life would be better right now if you were home in your bed watching Lucy reruns. You've had 4 cups of coffee, a gallon of water, 3 iced teas and a diet Coke --- yet you haven't pee'd once.


    Four Star Hangover (****)

    Life sucks. Your head is throbbing. You can't speak too quickly or else you might puke. Your boss has already lambasted you for being late and has given you a lecture for reeking of booze. You wore nice clothes, but that can't hide the fact that you only shaved one side of your face. (For the ladies, it looks like you put your make-up on while riding the bumper cars.) Your eyes look like one big red vein, and even your hair hurts. Your sphincter is in perpetual spasm, and the first of about five ***** you take during the day brings water to the eyes of everyone who enters the bathroom.


    Five Star Hangover (*****)

    You have a second heartbeat in your head, which is actually annoying the employee who sits in the next cube. Vodka vapor is seeping out of every pore and making you dizzy. You still have toothpaste crust in the corners of your mouth from brushing your teeth in an attempt to get the remnants of the poop fairy out. Your body has lost the ability to generate saliva so your tongue is suffocating you. You don't have the foggiest idea who the hell the stranger was passed out in your bed this morning. Any attempt to defecate results in a fire hose like discharge of alcohol-scented fluid with a rare 'floater' thrown in. The sole purpose of this 'floater' seems to be to splash the toilet water all over your ass. Death sounds pretty good about right now...











          British Constitution

          Passive-aggressive disorder

          Loquacious Transubstantiate



          Thanks, but I don't want to have sex

          Nope, no more booze for me

          Sorry, but you're not really my type

          Good evening officer, isn't it lovely out tonight

          Oh, I just couldn't. No one wants to hear me sing





    Hung over this morning?

  3. Gee, I wonder if we can get Al Derogatis out of retirement?  ;)


    Perspective - he was #1 on Dr Z's all-time announcers in the "analyst" category. He sure was ANAL!  :lol:


    From the SI 2004 archives:  It IS a good read so click here!




    Thank ya, Pile-o-Rocks...great read. I agree with almost everything he says, too...except for Howie Long. Long's a blockhead. I'd LOVE to have Jaws doing a game...he's awesome.


    One of my favorite moments not mentioned by Dr Z is the interview of Lester Hayes after a Raider Super Bowl victory. Hayes suffered from a REALLY terrible stutter...REALLY bad. The announcer asked Lester a question and Les, obviously nervous as hell speaking into a michrophone, went into a convulsive indecipherable answer. It was truly painful to watch Hayes try to answer. The incredible part is, the interviewer asked him ANOTHER question. Just great s#it!

  4. What isn't is the idea, IMO, that it is automatically a demotion. I think Big Mike has been a disappointment this season, most of which has been due to his injury. He has played one game when not hurt. I also think he has been a rather large disappointment in his career. I agree with Sullivan that he has only shown flashes of greatness. What isn't is saying Mike Williams is "shallow", it is a cheap shot. What isn't is saying Mike williams is the most important draft pick in TD's career. I would think Clements or McGahee or even Losman is the most important pick. That's my opinion, Sullivan is entitled to his.


    I think the Bills are definitely trying to get their best five on the line and one of those five is Peters and another of those five is Williams. And they're getting rid of the worst of the previous five, Anderson. You are not going to put an athletic, fast healthy player at guard when he has been just asked to learn tackle. You ARE going to put your hobbling huge guy who has more difficulty pass blocking there. Tell me, who do you think is a better combination? Peters at guard and Williams at tackle, or Williams at guard and Peters at tackle? I know you will answer "they all suck" but that is only because that is your nature, just badmouth and never think or answer or be realistic.


    That would have been a perfectly fair, if not good article if he didn't add that last snide disingenuous line, which was not just regular reporters reporting, that was regular **** being a regular ****.




    Wow Dog. You just spent way too much time and effort talking ABOUT a guy who is basically clueless about football and has a chip on his shoulder regarding the bills (Sully) TO a guy who is basically clueless about football and has a chip on his shoulder regarding the Bills (DeeRay).


    Have a cocktail and pay them both no never-mind. :wacko:

  5. Perhaps someday, someone enjoying that fine, lovingly-grown Californian is enjoying their life as they drive in a traffic lane opposing you or your loved ones and make a slight error of judgement.


    Unless you think pot enhances driving skills to the same degree that alcohol does. Or that all drug users have sterling ethics and would never do such a thing.


    Go ahead - make it legal. If I understand what I've heard in this thread, or at least implied, there really shouldn't be any sociatal problems with alcohol - since it's legal - but there is. And then there seems to be the suggestion that pot would be different - all newly-legal pot users would be the very soul of piety and responsibility.


    I hope I didn't put words into your mouth here - not my intent.


    I understand the argument for decriminalization - they have been put forth long before you or I walked this planet. We need not go over that ground.


    Don't think me thick - I'm well aware that drugs, alcohol, and the attendent euphoria are real things.


    But they ultimately are an escape from reality. And harm occurs. Surely you have knowledge of fallen lives.  And tragic occurances.




    No doubt. But, people WILL get drunk and high. We have some choices on how we deal with that knowledge. The one's our gov't currently make have failed miserably, IMO.


    I'm surprised you aren't an advocate for more personal freedom, Cincy.

  6. Ouch.  When one of the most respected posters starts taking cheap shots, you know we're in trouble.


    Any fan who complains about face painting and costumes, no matter how eloquently he makes his point, needs a "Lighten up, Francis."  Give me the guy screaming at every hit before I have to sit beside someone trying to be some sort of football genius (what an oxymoron) and explaining how the cornerback was beaten deep because he has "stiff hips."




    Respected? You talkin' to me? That could be libel, I'll have you know. (When they tried to hang that sign on me I said, "take it down!"...Steely Dan).


    Also, I thought I was pretty freakin' nice. I said he did a fine job...I SALUTED him, fer Christ's sake.


    BTW, read my label..."Cheap-Shot Artist". So...Thank you

  7. Man am i glad that i don't sit next to you.  Who gives a crap what other people do.  If people bother you that much then sit home and watch the game.  These so called "annoying" people paid for there ticket just like you did.  If they want to do something crazy then let them.  Just because you are some stiff that can't get along with anyone dosen't mean that you has to rain on eveyone elses parade.  Who care if someone paints there face or has a costume on.  Are they putting paint on your face or coming to your seat trick or treating??  If a guy wants to stand up and yell first down who cares, let him motion to everyone to stand up.  He isn't making you, is he going to come to your seat and make you stand?  NO!!  Not everyone is as educated as as you, let people say what they want, don't listen to them.  here is a question for you, why can't people belieave in their team.  Isn't that why we all go, to see the Bills win.  Let someone come up with some crazy idea of how we could win.  It makes it fun.  And as far as the wave goes, don't stand up and do it if you don't want too.  I don't know if you have noticed or not but when the wave gets going, people are having a blast doing it.  And what gives you the right to call us people who sit in the endzone a bunch of yahoos.  We have more fun during the game then you do in you worthless pathetic life. 


    I will tell you what, i will give you my phone number you call me on sunday and we will meet up.  I will give you some headphones so you can listen to the game and don't have to hear anyone. And i will give you a blindfold so you don't have to see all of those so called yahoos and annoying people. 





    Mr MooGoo, what a fervent defense of the unlettered and the unwashed! You, sir, are a true inspiration to buffoons, half-wits, nitwits and doofuses everywhere. You should be proud.


    I salute you! :w00t:

  8. The Top Five Most Annoying Fans at the Ralph.


    5. Face Painters & People who Dress in Costumes -  Can somebody please tell me what point of this is? Does it add value to your game experience, or to the experience of others around you? Does the team "feed off it's energy"  No. It is pointless and embarrassing.


    4. First Down Guy and the Guy Who Invokes the Crowd to Stand - These are the guys who insist on, with some sort of exaggerated arm motion, pointing out to the rest of us whenever the Bills make a first down. I have eyes. Sit down and keep your arms to yourself. Even worse is the guy who, before a critical play, turns to the people behind them and invokes them to stand and cheer. I have news for you my friend, this is not the Nuremburg Rally - I choose to cheer when and if I want to.


    3. The Uneducated Fan - These are the people who place blame on players or referees without the complete knowledge of how a play was designed, a player's individual responsibilities, or the rules of football. They need to keep their mouths shut and hide their ignorance. I know I do.


    2. True Believers - Fans who can never accept that the Bills are going to lose a game, despite the score or the time remaining in the game. These child-like fans are constantly coming up with scenarios of how the Bills can overcome the odds and pull out a miracle ("All we need to do is to block this field goal, return it for a touchdown, recover an onside kick, and then complete a Hail Mary". Sound Familiar?) Most of this is a result of the Houston comeback game (I was at that game, and did not leave at halftime like most of you "fans" did). Miracles rarely happen. (Some would say they never do. In the words of William Jennings Bryan,"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of will").  Accept the Bills defeat and move on.


    1. People who do The Wave. Let it die people. It was fun in the 80's but it is ridiculous now. What is more perplexing are those who insist on doing it when the Bills are on offense. What are you thinking? That extra crowd noise somehow helps the offense? Have you ever noticed that when a wave is attempted, it usually dies when it reaches the mid-field, lower level seats? Maybe the fans in the expensive seats are better than you yahoos in the end zone, and realize the foolishness of an outdated participatory cheer.


    I offer this list to you a public service. If you recognize yourself, please realize that your behavior is foolish and distracting, and needs to be corrected. I hope you enjoyed this.  I  plan to have weekly Top Five lists for your reading pleasure.




    Good job...just add, "Jet's Fan" and you're all set.


    BTW, the Wave was NEVER fun!

  9. Very good parody of the Beatles.  Of course, it's not as funny as the baby who plots to take over the world or a talking dog (we never see enough of those on TV, do we?).




    Here's my Family Guy issue...BTW, I like the show, fr the most part.


    I'm fine with the talking dog and the evolved baby-head (Jonathan Lethem reference). What I can't seem to get past is Stewie's accent. Why does he talk like that?

  10. ELAINE: Andrea Doria? Isn't that the one they did the song about?


    JERRY: (Correcting her) Edmund Fitzgerald.


    ELIANE: I love Edmund Fitzgerald's voice.


    JERRY: (Gives Elaine a look) No, Gordon Lightfoot was the singer. Edmund Fitzgerald was the ship.


    GEORGE: (Talking about his would-be apartment) You could fit 15 people in that bathroom..


    ELAINE: I think Gordon Lightfoot was the boat.


    JERRY: (Sarcastic) Yeah, and it was rammed by the Cat Stevens.

  11. What really sucks, is the news that Priest's career is most likely over.  He was a hell of a player and I have always been a fan of his since his days in Baltimore.  One of the classiest players in the league.  His name was never involved in any negative issues that I can remember.  :w00t:




    Are you crazy? I've seen hundreds of negative stories concerning a "Priest"...where ya been?




  12. I don't want to start any debate about criminalization vs. decriminalization. But behind the joint one lights up, or other drugs, is a sad trail of murders, beatings, destructions of societies, ruinations of cities and nations, families destroyed, stilted lives, kids raised in horrible circumstances, shakedowns, bribery and so forth.


    The demands of users has seriously harmed this city...like most.




    Of course, if pot were legal, then the "criminal element" would be gone from the equation...only to be replaced by coportate criminals (but I digress). Prices would be cheaper, taxes would be collected...and all is well with the world, no? Prohibition didn't work with booze and it ain't working with pot.


    BTW, your claim is wildly overstated. The joint I smoked recently was organically grown by a co-op in lovely Sonoma California. No thugs, no slave labor...all good.

  13. The poimt you make about it beig scary that perhaps any boy can be President as the song says is why I love the movie In Like Flint.


    The evil folks who are trying to take over the world have replaced the President with an actor after anesthetizing all the Secret Service and the folks around him with an explosing golf ball.


    Derek Flint sneaks his way into the whole plot and rips back the curtain on the whole thing and the criminals reveal their plan.  Well before the days of the Ronald Reagan presidency Flint hears it all and says incredulously, "Now let me get this straight, you expect that an actor can be President?




    Correct you are, Double M. In Like Flint was/is a terrific movie. (Nice babes, too!)

  14. Actually,  I would be real happy if they fired Billick at the end of the season and we dropped MM for him.


    How's that for unpopular and controversial?




    Yup he's doing such a bang-up job in Baltimore with a team full of talent, no less (except, of course, @ QB where BB has shown NO ability to develop competence).

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