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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. If you are talking about NFL+. you CANNOT watch regular season out of market games with it.
  2. That's how I would interpret. But my question is "Are you certain?" I understand it's not possible to be 100% certain as the new service is just starting and there have been no preseason games since. But is that how it worked in the old Game Pass? We should have a really good idea after the HOF Game, I'm thinking
  3. I'm thinking of getting NFL+ for the preseason, as I don't get the NFL Network on my cable package (selected and paid for by the landlord). So I was getting it specifically to see the Bills preseason games. But reading the description again, it says "out of market" preseason games. If they are televised live on the NFL Network, is that considered an "in market" game? If so, then the pass provides me with very little value. Any game broadcast (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX) in one's market is considered "in market". But I'm not sure if that applies to the NFL Network telecast. Anyone know for sure?
  4. Holy crap, is this true? If so, Bravo for the NFL. But shouldn't Ross really be forced to sell the franchise?
  5. I hear ya. I'm no fan of what baseball has become and the fate of the Pirates makes it even harder for me. I was a Red Sox fan for years, but since they've basically become the Yankees (and the Dodgers) it's hard for me to care all that much about them. I'd love for the Pirates ownership to try to be a homegrown team---but then retain their homegrown stars. I suppose that is too much to ask for these days.
  6. Apparently some people don't understand it takes BOTH sides to get a deal done.
  7. Ben is a Steelers' legend. But the past 2-3 years he was barely hanging on. Steeler fans know that--at least the smart ones. He'll be given a good opportunity by the fans. If he can survive their OL Mitch might have a chance to be a fairly decent QB. IMO he's a far better bet than Mayfield.
  8. I think the only real issue might be that they charge a fee for their content. Commercial ventures tend to be more scrutinized than purely "fan based" content. But in this case I doubt it will be a big deal. Maybe, if they like it they'll take it over, like the did with Bills Mafia. 🙃
  9. A trailblazer and a real class act. RIP. I'm thinking the G-Man must have been behind on his July quota. Seems like some weekend cramming happened this weekend
  10. I forgot how the series ended. Were they ever found in space? Was Dr. Smith ever convicted of those child molestation charges?
  11. The greatest team sport champ of all time!
  12. I'm pretty sure this is totally illegal. Not to say that stuff like this doesn't happen. But I think it would be harder to pull off with a free agent, than with one of your own players already under contract. I'm thinking if a player took a much lower offer from a team with a low cap figure when higher offers were available might raise suspicion. But using revenue outside the team/NFL might be used in retaining your own player and avoid major suspicion. Some come to mind.... I'm guessing if you did a full cavity audit of Tom and Gisele's wealth, you will find many connections to Kraft, his cronies and New England based magnates and companies. I've never believed Tom "took less" to stay with the team all those years. I do think the Pats* showed just a portion of the revenue that was funneled to Brady over those years, however.
  13. It makes sense a person working for a place named "DP Dough" would take the porn. BTW, does their pizza have two dill doughs? I also know a few huge overtippers. With most it is actually embarrassing. But a couple people pull it off successfully. But yes, it can get old
  14. I also read about Araiza working on holding before coming to camp. At least he said he did. And I'm sure learning to hold isn't some very difficult task. But it's not just learning to hold. It's learning to be PERFECT holding. Laces out (or wherever the K wants them). Ball tilted just so. And it all done within a VERY specific time frame. With the defense charging toward you. There are bad holds very week, most likely, I've seen missed kicks that clearly look like the culprit was the holder---ball leaning to the side, laces right on the K's foot, etc. Happens more than some here seem to think. They liked Haak (or so I'm told) because he didn't make those mistakes. They want/need Araiza to be that excellent---or at least very close.
  15. My first in person professional sporting event was watching the Pirates in Forbes Field as a 6-7 year old. Stargell hit one out of the stadium that day. On another visit (at Three Rivers) I got to see Clement throw a guy out at first base, after he took a little to long of a turn to second. My Mom was from a suburb of Pittsburgh and many of my relatives are Yinzers. So while not the biggest baseball fan, the Pirates are still my team. And the Steelers are my #2 NFL team, I guess. As to Najee, he's a real class act and a terrific RB.
  16. This was interesting, IMO.
  17. IMO in this case, your electrician is a beggar. I find that repulsive, to be honest. Not I have plenty of clients to pay me more than I charge (I charge way too little for what I do). But I make it clear to them, I'm only charging them a certain amount. If they insist I take extra, I take it. But I'd never suggest or try to force it. Wow. That kind of thing is shocking to me.
  18. I'm shocked by some of the posts in this thread. I assume some here are just being sarcastic or breaking stones. It's hard to believe some are so oblivious to the established culture. Unfortunately in the USA restaurant employees are not regularly paid even close to minimum wage. The reason is they are exempt is because tipping is assumed and expected. Many bartenders don't even get a salary. Some get "shift pay"---maybe $50 for a 6-8 hour shift. The price of your food/drinks reflect the fact that the employees are expected to be compensated primarily by tips. If the employees were paid appropriately, the price of your beer/drink/food would be much more expensive.d So, no, the bartender "doesn't deserve" a $1 tip for opening your beer. She/he deserves it for actually being behind the bar to you the beer. Because otherwise he/she is working for free, basically. So, if you are in a place where they bartender/server comes to you tipping is required, IMO. If you can't afford to tip, don't go to that place. 15% is sort of a minimal level for average service. But I can't remember leaving less than a 20-25% tip, as I tend to get pretty darn good service. (One reason is I'm known for tipping well.) But at a bar I'd say $1 per drink is a good MINIMAL level. Basically, if you don't tip your server or bartender, you are SCUM. Plain and simple. Just garbage. Now for takeout and counter service, obviously it's a bit different. If the person is a dedicated take-out person, chances are they aren't being paid minimum wage either. But many are. Still, "minimum wage"? Really. Do you want a minimum wage employee, with no prospect of enhancing their income via a tip, serving you your food? Don't think for even one second after repeated visits, they don't realize you are a stiff. I prefer my food without boogers and spit, thank you. A couple of bucks isn't going to kill you, and it will likely help not on the employee, but your experience going forward. When in doubt, follow this advice: Tip EVERYONE. OVERTIP EVERYONE.
  19. The Heavenly Chillbillies?
  20. I had the Atomic wings last time I was in Buffalo. They were terrific, though not as hot as I remember them from years ago. Still nice and spicy. My advice is to have a bit of ice cream or yogurt---something like that before you go to bed. Typically keeps the ring of fire at bay for me.
  21. RIP. Anyone remember the episode where The Beev needs a shave? I believe it was from the 80s reboot.
  22. So, unless I'm misreading this, they will have all the NFL Preseason games. I don't get the NFL Network so maybe it's worth paying $5 for the month to see the games. Worst case scenario, I just get the trial for a week to see PS game #3. I assume by "live local games" they mean local to where you are currently located, not your service address. Otherwise that would be awesome for people living in WNY (or with an address there) who travel a lot or lives elsewhere. Can't be that though. And for those complaining, doesn't this basically replace NFL Game Pass (or whatever it was called) but less expensive. Since I never used it, I suppose I'm probably missing something here. This was never going to be a Sunday Ticket replacement. To be disappointed about that seems ridiculous.
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