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Everything posted by lawnboy1977

  1. keeps the show interesting, and he has a good rapport with the guests and the other hosts, what more do you need?
  2. I think total access is the best football show on TV. Rich Eisen is a fantastic host, Terrell davis is fantastic, I could go either way with Woodson or Kennedy, but they are better than any of the analysts they have on ESPN NFL live.
  3. I completely agree with this post 100%. I remember when Schopp first came to Buffalo on 107.7 WNSA, while short lived and screwed over by the thought that a FM sports talk station could exist in Buffalo, there were some bright spots with Schopps "Sports talk for smart people" being the best. I loved listening to him on that show because it was intelligent, thought provoking sports discussion, a welcome alternative to Coach on WGR. I think when Adelphia went bankrupt Schopp lost his mind and became angry at everyone and everything in the world. Now he is basically a glorified prompter jockey who spouts out whatever his management tells him to. The management is of course pissed that the Bills don't want to be on their station anymore. I haven't lived in B-lo for over a year now and haven't been back, but the last time I remember listening to WGR was sometime during the 2003 season. That's when they all went downhill completely. Sports talk radio is a place for complete hacks who aren't good enough to be journalists and probably too cowardly to be able to talk to the athletes or coaches themselves. I was actually called into a focus group for WGR in April 2004, and I can tell you, the IQ of their core audience is nowhere near something to brag about. Probably about 10 guys in there, and all of them said they listen to WGR from morning to night. When I asked why the station did not carry a recent Yankees Red Sox day game a week before, I was practically lynched for suggesting that Jim Rome not air in favor of a baseball game!! These guys who listen to sports talk are lunatics and honestly, you want to talk about people with no lives, talk to a sports talk listener. I'll watch the games and read articles, and check stats, but 8 hours of hearing people B word about something they have no control over, sorry I'll pass. Unless its interviews with the athletes themselves or people like Peter King or Vic carrucci, you know, real sports reporters, I have no interest.
  4. Here's my question, do you always re-watch Bills games?
  5. interesting, my IQ test said 136, maybe I should retake it. I think anyone who listens to his show needs to get their brain checked honestly.
  6. That means nothing, Donahoe doesnt decide who the starter is.
  7. Moon - possibly, remeber its not the NFL hall of fame, its the pro football hall of fame. Moon has had success in every league he's ever plyed in even the CFL. Bledsoe - could be, if he plays real well the next few years it will help his votes Vinny - no way in hell, never done anything remarkable in the league other than playing medicore football for 20 years.
  8. What about the people who call into his show everyday, do they have a life? You know what though, there are some who maybe troll around in TBD posting quite a bit too much, 10-15 times a day is a bit excessive.
  9. absolute lunacy!! if that was the NFL the guy would have been fined 50K, but they cant fine in college. Does the ACC review tape like this?
  10. don't you dare speak that way about "Super Bowl champion" Randy Cross, as we were reminded of yesterday on countless occasions. anncouncers are idiots!!! yesterday during the denver washington game whoever the assclown was doing that game refered to the skins SB XXII win over Denver as Joe Gibbs, "1st super bowl". hey, if you are an announcer for THE NATIONAL FRIEKING FOOTBALL LEAGUE" You should know the history of the league!!!
  11. Obviously its always good to beat the fish, but we also beat them twice last year, and twice the year we went 8-8, so whats the point if we dont make the playoffs?!?!
  12. I'm glad we won, and its good to see the D getting turnovers, but you have to take the good with the bad in this case. Brown almost was the 4th straight Rb to gain 100 yards on us, and there were too many big plays given up by the pass D. Question is, who's fault is it?
  13. Thats typical of sports writers, they take they're job way too seriously. I would rather see that kind of questioning by some White House reporters!!!
  14. punctuation is our friend
  15. Hey didn't Rob Johnson have agame like that once, whatever became of him? kidding, seriously though who give a monkey's butt what he did in a losing playoff game 3 years ago, we only care abou the next game. or, as Marty Schott says, ONE PLAY AT A TIME!!!!
  16. Probably one of the better action starts out there right now. I'd take him over Vin Diesel any day of the week.
  17. My evolution as a Bills fan actually came over time. My whole family is actually from Pittsburgh, so of course I grew up with a bunch of Steelers fans. When I was in grade school and high school, which was during the Bills Super Bowl run, I was actually a Steelers fan. This was rough sometimes going to school in WNY, but made it fun. I did root for the Bills when they got to the Super Bowl but after the second or third year was hoping they didn't get there. It wasn't until I joined the military in 1996 and was away from home that I really became obsessed with the Bills. This was probably a result of being homesick and always having people make fun of me for being from Buffalo, which got old. You know the jokes, "What does Bills stand for", numerous choking references, etc. Ever since then I have been on the Bills forever, and will always. I am fotunate enought o live in an area where there are still Bills fans, Phoenix, and places to watch the games with those fans. We stick with the team through good times and bad, highs and lows, and never never give up. Thats what being a Bills fan is all about!!
  18. I think MM has already picked his starter, JP, and he's just doing this to f*ck with the media types who love to speculate. I'm glad I'm not in Buffalo right now and having to listen to Schopp and Simon and them wail about this situation.
  19. Bennie Anderson - 350 pounds of garbage!! Trey Teague - Tackle playing center
  20. Who was that? I feel your pain though, I was at a point last week watching the Pats beat the Steelers that I almost gave up watching football. I just have one thing to say though, the Red Sox went 86 years with more bullsh*t than any team, and their time finally came. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!
  22. Its not that we should have kept Bledsoe, ist just unfortunate that we couldn't have started JP last season to let him "take his licks". If JP was healthy last season that would have been the case. Of course that was not the case and now he has to take a beating this year, and hopefully emerge as a top level QB, ala Carson Palmer. I think we are in the same situation this year as the Bengals were last year. 2nd year Head Coach, first year starting QB. A team with a lot of solid players all around. The season is not over and we can still win another 7-8 games hopefully to finish respectable and maybe sneak into the postseason. But with the way we are playing now against the run and the way our passing game is, we'll be lucky if we win another 3 games all year!!!
  23. 2-3 horrid plays is enought o cost you the game, no matter who you are playing!! On the contrary, I think the main focus of the front office the past 2 seasons has been building the o-line. WE signed Villareal, McNally, Anderson, gandy, ajd have drafted like 3-4 other O-lineman. Yes we lost Jennings, but there was no way we could sign him. right now, i'm more concerned about our "great defense". But hey, 0-4 last year, we're only 1-2 now.
  24. I'm sure there are plenty of Bills Digest subscribers on TBD. Curious, what day do guys typically receive your issue in the mail? I'm sure for those in WNY they get them WED or Thurs, I'm in AZ so some issues I haven't received until a week later, kind of defeats the purpose of reading about the upcoming matchup. So what day?
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