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Everything posted by lawnboy1977

  1. I guess ur right. Not many teams have had huge success with interchangeabke QBs. Minnesota had it for a bit in the 90s with Cunningham, Moon, Culpepper. I think Jon Gruden is pretty good with that. He had success with Rich Gannon, helped Griese this year, Chris Simms is on the up and up. The whole thing with a QB is, ur supposed to find one guy who is going to be ur leader for the next 10 years, not have guys coming in every year who replace the other guy. TD has not ever found that one guy, not yet anyway.
  2. Hey dude, I hear the 49ers are looking for a new Coach, you should apply for the job I think the York family will like your way of thinking.
  3. I agree that we should take no less than a number 2. He is not worth a number 1, and I think there are a few teams that could bite for a 2nd round pick.
  4. I like TD and I like what he has done throughout his career as far as evaluating talent and signing free agents, good draft picks, and getting rid of some garbage, like Price and Wiley. I hate to say it but if you look at his history in this league, he has not had success evaluating QBs. From Kordell Stewart to Drew, Kent Graham's brief stint in Pittsburgh. He had Neil O'Donnell, Mike Tomzcak. There haven't been any "great" QBs that he has brought in to his teams. I only hope tat with JP Losman we have the future championship QB.
  5. yes yes and yes we def need one more interior lineman on the o line, either e guard or center. hat could push this unit to the brink of elite. if we resign jennings i think we are pretty set at TE, with the 3 guys we have now playing interchangeably, we should be ok. but with MM being a former TE himself, i wouldnt be surprised if we tried to get someone this year i would like to see another speed pass rusher come in, but i dont think it will happen, they wont spend the money it takes to get a guy like that in here, especially in Free agency. look, we have an elite defense now, as long S WE KEEP PW and in another year keep N clements, we'll be ok. this off season will be cool, but lets worry about today!!!!
  6. I went to the home opener vs the Pats last year by myself. I bought tix the night before from some NE fans and the guy who was supposed to go with me backed down. I called everyone I knew but no one wanted to go, or couldnt. There was no way in hell I was missing that game though. It was awesome. It was cool though cos when ur at a game u dont feel like ur by yourself cos u are surrounded by bills fans. GO TO THE GAME DUDE!!!
  7. Hey it may not be an elite unit, but it's much improved. The two previous years we gave up 54 sacks each year. This year it's only 35, not bad. For a guy like Bledsoe who doesne thave much movement, giving up 35 sacks is pretty good and i think a damn good reason this team has been so good. Even the Pats have goven up 25.
  8. I know I can't sleep, I'm nervous, this is killing me. I am going to be so stressed out tomorrow, and if the Bills lose, then oh god help me, I'm gonna be crawling into a cave and not want to talk to anyone for 2 days! But I do Billieve in this team, this town needs this win and a playoff birth so much. It's time to circle the wagons!!
  9. I'm really glad I dont live in Buffalo anymore if for the simple reason tat whn football season ends Ill be able to find something else to occupy my time and not have to worry about following hockey. i dont care about hockey but it is nice to see those kids doing well in the junior champs
  10. This team has brought me more pride this year than I've felt in a long time. i am always proud to be a bills fan, i'll always waer the jersey and hat everywhere i go, but when our team does something amazing like they did this year, well this is when it pays to be the guys who root for the teasm during a 3-13 season.
  11. wat the hell is he gonna do? suit up and play QB?
  12. And he'snot in the pro bowl? Somethings wrong!!
  13. Saban coached the Patriots in 60-61, Collier's first head coaching job was the Bills in 66. Knox came in at 5-11 in 1978, but he coached the Rams before obviously. Kay Stephenson was 8-8 in his first year here, we all know what happened after that, haha. Levy was 7-8 in 1987, of course he coached in KC before that. Wade was 10-6 in 1998, and of course GW was 3-13 in 2001. I got this info from Profootballreference.com http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/bufindex.htm very very cool website that I use all the time.
  14. Saban, I think so, but Collier was not, he was a Bills assistant before he took over
  15. Phillips had a winning record his first year here. But I guess he wasnt considered a rookie since he had been a head coach before. Lets looks at the Bills history page...
  16. This is how the tiebreaker scenarios break down TO BREAK A TIE WITHIN A DIVISION If, at the end of the regular season, two or more clubs in the same division finish with identical won-lost-tied percentages, the following steps will be taken until a champion is determined. Two Clubs 1. Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games between the clubs). 2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the division. 3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games. 4. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference. 5. Strength of victory. 6. Strength of schedule. 7. Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed. 8. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed. 9. Best net points in common games. 10. Best net points in all games. 11. Best net touchdowns in all games. Based on this we would have the tiebreaker over the Jets based on #3, common games. The Jets lost to Pittsburgh, and if they lose to STL, we would have the tiebreaker because we beat, or would have beaten those 2 teams if we win this week. TO BREAK A TIE FOR THE WILD-CARD TEAM If it is necessary to break ties to determine the two Wild-Card clubs from each conference, the following steps will be taken. 1. If the tied clubs are from the same division, apply division tie breaker. 2. If the tied clubs are from different divisions, apply the following steps. Two Clubs 1. Head-to-head, if applicable. 2. Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference. 3. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games, minimum of four. 4. Strength of victory. 5. Strength of schedule. 6. Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed. 7. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed. 8. Best net points in conference games. 9. Best net points in all games. 10. Best net touchdowns in all games. 11. Coin toss. Based on this, we lose the the tiebreaker to DEN according to #2, conference record. If BUF and DEN win next week, they would have a conf record of 7-5 and ours would be 6-6. So as long as either Jets or Broncos lose next week, and we win, then we will be in the playoffs!!
  17. I know what you mean!! I often find myself during games yelling out "Come on Buffalo", instead of "Come on Bills" or yelling a players name. I think when I say "Come on Buffalo" or "Let's go Buffalo", it's more of a subconsiance (sp) really. This team niot only plays for itself, but I think more than any ither team in the league, or in any damn sport for that matter, they play for their community. I don't think there is any team in the NFL who's fans indentify with them more that Buffalo Bills fans. I am not saying this as a knock on other teams fans. There are some great football towns, PGH, GB, NE, CHI, CLE, all these cities have fans who root for their team through thick and thin. But when it comes to Buffalo, all we have is the Bills. We don't have big city life like Boston or NY or Chicago. We don't have a outstanding attribute like Washiongton or San Fran or Miami. We don't have big oil like Dallas or cheese like Wisconsin, haha, or steel like Pittsburgh or big college sports like in Ohio and Fla and Georgia and Texas. We have the Bills, thats what we are!! Damnit, give us some hope, we need a playoff birth like you wouldnt believe!! Thanks you.
  18. I agree wholeheartedly. I have got blue and red bleeding off of me right now. and thats not just from being an american, although that is usually the reason. I am bleeding Buffalo bills red and blue. this is when it pays off to be a fan who believes through thick and thin a fan who attends the games during a 3-13 season and suffers through the flutie-johnson debate. a fan who ignores the negativity, although sometimes it is necesary. This is when it pays off!!
  19. after further research, it looks like the last time a Xmas fell on a Sunday, the NFL scheduled one game that day, and the rest of the games the previous day. according to the Hall of Fame website. http://www.profootballhof.com//history//re...?release_id=634
  20. I like what they did this year wth having games on Xmas eve and Xmas day, but next year Xmas day falls on a Sunday, and I can't think of any time in recent memory that Xmas day fell on a Sunday and the NFL had a full schedule on that day. Should be interesting.
  21. Len Pasquerelli had this to say in his ESPN.com article today. " The teams that have played Buffalo lately agree that offensive right tackle Mike Williams, formerly tabbed as a first-round bust, is suddenly dominating people in some stretches." I always thought he was the better choice compared to Mckinnie, there was alot of talk about Mckinnie's attitude during that draft. Now there is a lot of talk about Williams' improved play and McKinnie's inconsistency. Good job TD!
  22. cowbell!!! i now have cowbell!!!
  23. Yes, I now have cowbell!!
  24. yea and lets not forget what happened a week after that missed field goal in 1996 http://www.jaguars.com/History/highlights_96.asp Jacksonville must go down, to avenge Kelly!!!
  25. damnit!!! I'm having cowbell issues, oh well. long live Pearl Jam!!
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