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Everything posted by lawnboy1977

  1. NFL John Elway MLB Willie Mays NBA George Mikan NHL Bobby Orr Boxing Rocky Marciano Soccer ? Tennis Sampras Golf Jack Wrestling (NCAA/Olympic) Kurt Angle NASCAR Earnhardt 1 Track and Field Edwin Moses Swimming Spitz Clueless Fan Tom Arnold
  2. It is def a big NFL story this time of year, but there's other bigger things happening. British open, Tour de France, and baseball, for them to merit much time on TH.
  3. Those are the stats that will stand the test of time. Noone will ever ever accomplish that task ever ever again!! I have immense respect for Tiger Woods as a player and, really,as an ambassador of the game of golf, and he could very well win 20 majors, but he will not come close to the stats Jack put up. Amazing!
  4. good article. I think in the end it worked out, we didnt have to take LJ Shelton, who as far as I know has not landed with another team yet.
  5. That just seems entirely stupid and the poinion of one guy at Jaguars.com. Its a good post though that probably reflects what the opinion in Jags country is like. I have never heard of a team deciding on a trade offer from 2 different teams based on where they "think" they would end up in the draft the next year. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY OF KNOWING how a team will finish. Just another reason to hate the Jags and I'm glad they didnt get Henry.
  6. Thats a good point because Wright was supposedly going to be academicly ineligible for next year at USC. I remember last year there was talk that Mike Williams was going to go in the supplemental draft. he more than likely held out cos he could demand a bigger contract going first round in the college draft.
  7. mmmmm, Boddingtons, I think I need to take a break and go grab me one, even though its only 10 AM
  8. Considering Fred Taylors past injury problems and the fact he is older than TH, its not a bad place to end up. He could very well be their RB of the next 5-6 years.
  9. I actually found a pretty decent link of why people hate the federal reserve. Seems mostly like conspiracy theories. Criticism of the federal reserve
  10. I'm almost afraid to ask but what's with all the hatred of Woodrow Wilson? Did he like kill your grandfather or something?
  11. I know everyone has their opinions, but here is how the historians rank the presidents up until Clinton. C-Span presidential rankings
  12. Best: Lincoln, Washington, FDR Worst: "W", Nixon, James Buchanon
  13. yea the worst president of all time who got us out of the worst depression in the country's history and set the stage for the greatest victory in the country's history
  14. I would have a problem with that, expect that there is rarely ever ever a tie, once like every 5 years.
  15. How anyone could be offended by any rendition of the anthem is beyond me. The only thing that I don't like is when people sing along at sporting events, its actually very disrespectful to some people. I just always thought it was stupid singing along to it, but I personally have no problem with any one redition of it or the fact that its played before sporting events. Having said that, why do we still hear God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch? Every stadium does it! I think thats just baseball shoving things dowhn our throat. It was appropriate for a while but just seems forced now.
  16. actually I'm more worried about this rash I found. It's killing me!
  17. Thats what I thought, I was dissapointed.
  18. I actually thought the lying and constant falacies about the situation in Iraq was the best part of the speech. Having said that we all support the troops. Some fact checking is in order
  19. Well if nobody in our country is going to point it out then might as well let someone else do it!! BTW, I think by now the terrorists have figured out how easily they can get into our country. Take a stroll down the border and you'll see what I mean.
  20. man, thats just not right, even if you're not a huge Star Wars fan, I think you're one of maybe 2 people I've ever heard say has never seen them, and the first to say he/she has no desire too. Personally for me ever since I've signed up with Netflix I've been renting a lot of older films that I have always wanted to see but just never got around to watching before. Recent favorites for me that I got to see for the first time have been The Graduate and Midnight Cowboy. Of the best movies I have not seen, I would have to say Casablanca and Citizen Kane. Also I would throw in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy because I just haven't mustered up the energy to sit through the whole thing yet.
  21. Actually according to George Lucas's commentary on Attack of the Clones, the stromtroopers are the clonetroopers. He says that everyone always thought that Boba Fett was just a stormtrooper gone bad, which of course he wasnt. So yes, storm and clonetroopers are the same.
  22. This is probably the most ridiculous story I have ever heard. The man is actually sueing Portis for something that was written on a cocktail napkin!! I cannot believe our justice system is being subjected to such ludicrosity! This thing should be thrown out of court for watsing everyone's time!!
  23. Hey more room for you to pay all the high taxes and suck in the bad weather. I live in the Phoenix metro area, and while some suckers sit in traffic for an hour on their way to work, I have a ten minute drive from scottsdale to tempe on the surface streets. Best part, NO SNOW PLOWS, SNOW SHOVELS, SNOW BRUSHES OR SNOW COVERED SIDEWALKS!!
  24. 1) I was basically sick of all the politics and the weather and the economy, for a 27 year old there really isn't much opportunity unless you can start a business or work for a family business that you enjoy. 2) Arizona 3) The weather is phenominal, the economy is great and people have a good attitude. There is so much opportunity out here because the area is just growing and growing. 4) I wouldn't move back. Even if there was a great economy, I still don't like the lifestyle in WNY. Other than going to Bills games, I have no reason to stay there. 5) #1, there has to be some sort of changing of the guard in the leadership of the area. All the legislatures and mayors and county execs etc. are really just too ol school and when someone does have a new idea i.e, casino, anything waterfront, merging city and county, it goes nowhere because the old timers don't want to lose their spot. #2, this goes with #1, the old guartd stepping down would translate into making better jobs come in, which means more young people come in, which means more house are bought. hopefully all that can translate into lower taxes, which is the main problem #3, the state needs to do their part to help WNY, and all of upstate for that matter. NYC should be governed differently than upstate, cos its a different world. of course its the economic center of the galaxy, but you would think that somehow that could translate into helping upstate out more. anyway, i hope WNY turns it around, but really its going to go downhill then the Bills are going to leave, which breaks my heart because thats about all that area has left!
  25. This makes sense with all the unemployed, impoverished and poor on the state of New York, being able to buy alcohol on Sundays should help them deal with al of life's problems. Honestly though, New York has been way too strict on stuff like this for a while, and its that strict, "we're not gonna change our ways" old school mentality that has hurt the state. I got out of that hell hole a while ago and down here in Arizona, I can say that the government and people are much more willing to make changes and accept change for the better. That is eveident by all the rapid development and job growth that is seen down here.
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