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Everything posted by lawnboy1977

  1. Anyone who still has cable but has the ability to get Directv (i.e. you don't live in an apartment complex or building that won't allow to get a dish) is out of their frieking mind!! The minute I bought a house I dumped cable and got Directv and I'm never goig back to cable. All those commercials that cable and dish network run trying to dump on DTV are stupid, they're all just jealous.
  2. not anymore....btw the Buffalo media is getting trashed nationwide. Doug and Wold in the morning(morning time talk show on KTAR in Phoenix with Ron Wolfley, Orhcard Park Native and Cards color man) completely trahsed the way the media handled Owens yesterday. Wolf said he understands why players hate the media (former player himself)
  3. Well...I can't say that really cos I'm sure I'll watch again, but man that has got to be the worst football highlight show ever!! Did anyone see how they played T.O.'s comments on the show? The it was T.O. saying "it's over" in response to his streak and repeating "I'm just going with the plays that are called." just b.s. the way it was presented and now that the guy plays for a team I follow and I read the entire list of comments, I know that it words do get twisted. Not saying I feel sorry for the guy, but between Keith "liberal" Olberman and Rodney Harrison now being on the show, it's almost as worse as NFL Live on ESPN.
  4. really, you actually posted this?
  5. Not a chance, Garica is a system QB who only can play in the West Coast system.
  6. Yes completely lame, but that is what consititutes homor in Buffalo I guess.
  7. Unless you are al davis or have a link then I want to know where you got this info from.
  8. Seriously, between the 3rd and 8th whats the big deal? Either way we would have options as far as who we could pick. looking back, there have been quite a few solid number 8 picks.
  9. AP put out a release saying the top 5 are set, but that the rest have yet to be determined. AP release What I don't get is that what needs to be determined. Draft order rules Maybe the NFL doesn't want to put out the full release just yet but from looking at these rules its easy to see that San FRan will pick 6th and Oakland 7th based on strength of schedule. Buffalo picks 8th based on SOS then it looks like Detroit picks 9th and Arizona 10th based on the divisional and conference tiebreaker. Standings 8th pick sounds good to me I'm sure we'll know officially tomorrow what the order will be.
  10. I say fire them both but it wont be nessecary since both will land jobs elsewhere. Gray will get several head coaching offers, and there is speculation that clements will land a job in the college ranks.
  11. Ah yes, let the rumours abound of savage's arrival in Buffalo. Crazy thing is that he has only been in Cleveland one year!!! He definitely had a knack for making some great draft picks in baltimore like ed reed and ray lewis.
  12. I think you make a fine point, and there is a lot of great dialogue going on regarding this topic right now. At this point you have to wonder who in the Bills organization wants to have JP around. Was he TD's pick or was it a consensus choice by all involved to go after Losman? Most franchises rally around the 1st round drafted QB from the get go. Look at Detroit, San Fran, Houston, NYG, NYJ, etc. What is going on at One Bills Drive that is causing chaos regarding the QB situation? This is an example of focusing on the wrong problem. There are many areas where this team needs to improve its play and we all know what they are. JP, he may not be the answer but wqith all that is invested in him, they have to give him his shot.
  13. I worked there 10 years ago, I remember people saying that the store was in trouble then because they opened the stores way too quickly. It was nice having a discount on CDs and stuff while I worked there, but from what i hear their prices have gone way up. Always seemed to me that they were a poorly put together operation and the stores themselves always seemed to be a cheap second rate store compared to a Circuit City or Best Buy.
  14. Thats actually not true and the person who wrotwe tghat article should not be commenting on the NFL. Arizona, Buffalo, Detroit, Washington and New Orleans have not made the playoffs during that tenure. The longest drought is of course, the Cardinals, who have not made the playoffs since 1998.
  15. As if you needed anymore reason to not eat at McDonald's!! MMMM, Inflammed arteries
  16. I have been re-experiencing the albums I have. The live album Vol 2 the longs, has some great mixes of old classics, lamd lies down sounds great, so does home by the sea.
  17. Ok, this is the last post I'm going to make because I think you guys are just yelling without listening and its a pointless debate. The difference between pop music acts like Britney, Ashlee etc etc, is that those are all ads which are popular for a short period of time but quickly fade away into obscurity. WWE and pro-wrestling as a whole has been around for over 50 years. It has had a few major surges in popularity but its audience has alwaus remained. If the shows that were put on were brainless, no one would watch. Its the ability to keep it smart and keep it interesting thast makes it durable. Trust me, its not going anywhere. Having said that, whatever you "anti-WWE" people say, which for whatever reason I can't understand the hatred of pro-wrestling as a form of entertainment, there are lots of postitives. Just check out this link, yes they're not heroes for doing this and I don't expect heaps of praise to be reigned upon the business because of this. What this is though, is something I do not see the any major pro sports league doing, I don't see any other enetertainment company doing this, with the exception of the USO. Its a great thing they do for the troops, at a tough time of year for them. So say what you want, insult all you want, buty watch what you say because its not all true. WWE stars on Rita Cosby
  18. If wrestling was bad entertainment, then nobody would watch it! There's bad entertainment that comes and goes all the time, sitcoms, reality TV, pop music, not to mention the number of box office crap that is pushed out year after year. Ever wonder why Hollywood has to keep recycling the same movies and remaking old TV shows? Bad entertainment doesn't last, just ask the people who made the Dukes of Hazzard movie, or the people who thought "Joey" would be a successful sitcom. I'll be the first to admit that there have been some stupid elements to wrestling over the years that have mostly been the result of writing or bad management, just look at WCW. The thing I don't understand is the mockery made of the lack on intelligence in the business or its fans. I never hear people insulting stuntmen in Hollywood for doing what they do, which is pretty damn close to what wrestlers go through, only on a weekly basis. Yea OK, there are a lot of crazy wrestling fans out there, I have been to some shows where I have heard some odd conversations and near arguments, over basically nothing, some guy wanted to start an argument with me once because we disagreed over Hulk Hogan's birthday!!(and yes I know its pathetic that I know that) How is an obessed wretling fan any different from someone who obesseses over fantasy football and is in 5-10 leagues each year, or a movie buff that watches 3-4 movies a week, or someone who is addicted to gambling? Everyone has their vice. Bottom line, WWE, TNA and the hundreds or promotions in this country and around the world are not going anywhere. Raw is the highest rated weekly cable show in the country. More people watch it than Sunday Night Football, and Nip/Tuck damn near every week. And yes more than the NHL, MLB, NBA, MLS, and any other type of national broadcast major professional sport combined. I know that may scare many out there, but its true. The fans and the people in the business will defend it until the end, if you don't love it, there almost no way to explain what is so great about, and this is all falling on deaf ears.
  19. I figured you would enjoy all the male on male contact, its not the same as the stuff you're used to watching though.
  20. but you also have to factor in the amount of time spent scouring the TBD to decide where to post, gotta be at least 2 hours a day.
  21. I know, because Fassel is tearing things up as OC down in Baltimore and he has gone two years since being a HC, theres our guy!! Wilson likes mularkey, hes not going anywhere, TD is. get a better OC and we're good.
  22. And who has time for anything when they post on TBD almost 8 times a day?
  23. Furst off, my post was not directed at you directly, but rather at the general consensus of people who claim to be too cool or too smart to enjoy the art form of pro-wrestling. For 6th graders and mental defectives? Thats interesting considering that many of the people who run the business have gone to some of the top universities in the nation. So, you're in the entertainment business? So because of that you can look down on others and insult people because of a show they watch on TV? What do you do that qualifies you for that, I'd like to know so I casn get in that type of field that gives me that right. So please, spare us your "holier than thou" attitude. If you read my post, you would see that I basically said what you said, that VK would not implement any type of policy that would hurt his business. Having said that, something needed to be done about the drug problem in pro-wrestling that has persisted for many, many years as the list is too long to mention of those who have died young. the act of suspending and firing those who are druggies has not worked. This is one of the greatest forms of entertainment on the planet. Other than it combines everything from film, theater, sport, tv sit-coms and dramas to make a medium that is enjoyed immensely by many different organizations in damn near every country on the globe.
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