No, he'd be wishing the Patriots would fail.
You know, if you actually listen to his show at all, you'll know he's a commentator who uses satire with strong opinions about what he thinks is right and wrong. If he was a racist, he wouldn't have all the advertisers and make all the money he does, there'd be too many boycotts of his advertisers. That's the old standby now for anyone who criticizes anything're either a racist or sexist or whatever.
With that said, he would be part of an ownership group and there's plenty of other types of wackos owning teams. Marge Schott was crazy and a true racist, Mark Cuban is a died in the wool (rich) leftist who has slammed the troops and said stupid stuff he's had to apologize for. J-Lo has a piece of the Phish, so there some rocket scientry there. I'm sure there's others.
If the ownership group he's a part of comes in and turns the franchise around, it doesn't matter and I'll bet you none of the players will be terribly upset. He's a football fanatic and I bet he'd try his best to make any team successful. On ESPN they ask a number of commentators and retired players about it and virtually all of them said it would be good for the Rams.