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Saudi Arabia Rob

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Everything posted by Saudi Arabia Rob

  1. Definitely the one we'll need to be at our best.
  2. I loved it when Nick Wright got covered in condiments also!
  3. Was there any word on Stihls (sp?) at all? I know they seemed positive Tues/Weds, but didn't hear anything.
  4. That's why I haven't watched ESPN in about five years. It has become a deplorable, PC-laden network with no balls at all. Imagine a bunch of old white guys talking about current sports leagues...they have already had done what Carpenter's wife suggested!
  5. Overseas with no access to game, any significant observations yet?
  6. Actually, you're probably right on some level. I know everyone is speculating, but my guess is that the DA discovered the cops were drunk and acting like asses. So rather than invite more scrutiny on the police (and a potential counter-lawsuit against the city), this was the easiest path to follow.
  7. Not quite sure what genocide you are talking about, the Brits systematically killed large groups of indigent groups as they colonized the world and are truly guilty of genocide in Malaysia and other pockets in the Far East. We didn't commit "genocide," our country expanded and was in conflict with the Indian culture/way of life. Call it what you want, a war, a displacement, resettlement, murder on both side, not giving a cra$ about things, but it wasn't "genocide."
  8. This team blows. Kind of an obvious time to challenge now. Stupid.
  9. Your playoff life is hanging by a thread and you don't challenge? I actually liked Rex, now I think he is a moron.
  10. Did you see the guy next to Rex shaking his head "no" after that catch and advising Rex. He needs to be fired.
  11. Doesn't Clay and Dareus eat all the up next year with their deals?
  12. Until we have a QB worth anything we will suck.
  13. AS expected, a flag on the runback to make it 90 yards. why hold when the runback will suck anyway.
  14. We are up against the cap and will lose our best O Lineman and CB next year?
  15. That missed XP looms large, they always seem to.
  16. One of our half-billion dollar D line.
  17. Time for the obligatory Jerry Hughes dumb-ass, I mean really dumb-ass penalty.
  18. Nice block by the KC receiver on Rambo.
  19. Another FG by KC and this game is over. Eight points in not possible by this offense now.
  20. Taylor has no ability to progress pass the first read.
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