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Everything posted by thebug

  1. Pickerman?
  2. Were there any Americans there? Didn’t look like many on TV.
  3. Nice win USA! I’m a little pissed at the dumb penalties taken by team Canada, but plenty of tourney left to fix that. See you guys in the medal round!
  4. That’s it? **** I will have a talk with them though.
  5. Stay warm folks! Go Canada Go!
  6. Self employed so yes!
  7. 2 minutes to go and Boston iced the puck and players are exhausted and Buffalo calls a timeout?
  8. Please.....historic goals don’t take away from a goal like that. Don’t care why he’s a Duck, if he did that as a Devil you would love it. Nice bounce back game from the Leafs today.....8-1 over Carolina. 4 each for both Marner and Bozak who have been slumping lately to say the least!
  9. You would be too if he was still a Devil.
  10. I broke my back in a high school football game and I had chills watching the same thing happen to Shazier. Mine was a little different as it was helmet to helmet, but I immediately reached for my back just like him. Mine was T4 & T5. Immediate swelling made it feel like I had a large grapefruit on my spine. Scary feeling not being able to feel your legs. I was very lucky and made a full recovery (although my plan to play Canadian university football the next season was over.) and it set me back a long time. My rehab actually started with lifting soup cans! Doctors said “heads you walk, tails you don’t.” Heads it was!
  11. Did Brady just leave for the locker room without shaking hands?
  12. If they blow this......at least they will likely mail it in next after such a demoralizing loss.
  13. They are going to blow this
  14. Is this the TT sucks thread? Because I was looking for the MNF thread.
  15. I want them to tie so both teams have to play extra downs and beat the **** out of each other!
  16. It ain’t over!
  17. Steelers are getting !@#$ed!
  18. That was the play, but he wasn’t being checked for a concussion, they were checking his knee.
  19. Meh, not a fan of Canadian football. Like I tell all the old dudes at the Elks club, all those guys are in the CFL because they didn’t make the NFL. Kinda the same reason why I don’t watch the AHL instead of the NHL.
  20. I hope you gave those Seats away to Bills fans?
  21. Shut it! ? Argos just won the Grey Cup though!
  22. Looks like a longer name and they blacked out a couple of letters.
  23. WTF is up with Bell’s name on the back of his jersey?
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