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Everything posted by thebug

  1. Thank you, now go !@#$ yourself! Maybe you guys could debunk these? http://projects.thestar.com/donald-trump-fact-check/
  2. Hard to believe a word he says. http://projects.thestar.com/donald-trump-fact-check/ they call them false things because he’s just too stupid to know what he’s talking about most of the time.
  3. No he said the whole thing was a hoax. Made up, never happened. And that’s just one example. The guy is a pathological liar. He’s mocked for most of his tweets because he’s an imbecile.
  4. Yeah they always find “just enough” to continue the search. I think they plant stuff to make it look good. A fortune has been sunk into this for sure.
  5. Exactly why I like it. I think it’s great that I can speak my mind here (the way I would speak with buddies over a beer) and not get banned (so far.) I don’t care if everyone disagrees, calls me whatever the !@#$ they want, but I can have my say!
  6. Fair enough! I’m new to PPP, haven’t had a chance to comment on others, but I have enjoyed my short time here.
  7. Lol you don’t know me at all. I would have no problem saying those same things in person. You think you’re the only one that will? !@#$ last year I called a TSA mall cop a cow and the other C word after she tossed my laptop into a bin and I got an apology for them. I tosssd my father in law out of a get together the night before my wedding because he was being a dick to my soon to be wife. I get in plenty of **** for speaking my mind.
  8. It’s not an argument. It’s a fact.
  9. It’s actually very impressive.
  10. Collateral damage apparently. Let's take a moment to honor the sacrifice of our brave school children, who laid down their lives, to protect our right to bear arms.
  11. Yeah cause who cares about the children, right douche bag?
  12. No, but I didn’t say he was a man either because these are things we all know.
  13. Those snowflake children should shut up and continue to take bullets to the head to keep the country safe!
  14. Yeah Ottawa is in a tough spot here. I doubt they are going to pay him what he’s looking for, but his trade value has to be less than they were expecting. They will be pushing the “bounce back next year” sales pitch no doubt.
  15. You folks don’t seem too concerned that this actually happened? Seems like you just want to blame or deflect blame? Is this not serious? FFS a Russian just took huge run at your goalie a cross checked him in the back of the head and you guys just skated back to the bench. (Sorry as a Canadian that was the first thing that came to mind) Maybe this is not a big deal?
  16. Time stamp is 9:11. Yeah no ****! Someone call 911. Ouch.
  17. So they didn’t do what they were supposed to do? Isn’t that what he said? I knew he wasn’t as soon as Trump condemned his actions.
  18. Did they hire ex college football players from FSU and Miami?
  19. Holy **** you guys must have went to Trump University! Someone mentioned Something about the orange pumpkin head and you deflect to Trudeau. Goodly done! ?
  20. Haven’t you learned from this thread to research memes before believing them and posting them so you don’t look stupid?
  21. Oh I’m sure, but this bigly?
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