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Everything posted by thebug

  1. OK genius why don't you just save everybody some time and answer the questions for us because obviously you know it all....and don't give me the "I have over 9000 posts I do know it all" thing.....
  2. That's not right....what if the Eagles did that....the eagles fans wouldn't have anyone to "curb stomp" after the game.....
  3. Welcome to the forum......have you ever been to RW stadium?
  4. JP can't throw the ball for a 10 yard comp and a 1st down if the receiver is 4 yards away! whatever spin you put on it the receiver runs the route...
  5. Joe Theisman is a donkey but, he was explaining the hard count because previously Tony didn't know what a silent count was so it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't know what a hard count was or for that matter off sides and a 2pt conversion....and on the "wet" ball thing....Joe was trying to say it is easier as long as the ball is not soaking wet, (when the ball boys do their jobs).... have you ever thrown a wet football just after it has been wiped off with a towel....it does stick to your hand somewhat...that might be why some qb's lick their fingers before the ball is snapped?
  6. Gotta go RED....it will look awesome
  7. I think it was the right call......the execution was the problem.
  8. Hey Mike....must have been a tough game to sit through.......I enjoyed the Viks game in your seats(the win helped)....some realy good people in your section.....hope you enjoy the Win against the Pats... Take Care Gord
  9. Clements is a bum....no effort.....doesn't care....because he will be out of here next year....
  10. I'm in......don't plan on speaking much on Monday anyway......
  11. You guys should be commended.....you are doing good things....well done!
  12. well said...getting to spend time with buddies and watch a game is worth it....even during the bad times....
  13. did they just say 49yds of offense in the 1st half... hey the D is stepping up..
  14. finally I received a tracking number.....should be here soon.......
  15. I can't beleive this....no e-mail.....no tickets.....I have sold my preseason tickets and there is no way I will be able to ship them on time.....I have e-mailed the Bills office and ask them if they are going to pay the fee for my to e-mail them.....guess what, no response back from them yet....big surprise!
  16. Wow 11-5 ....hope so....don't think so but hope so....I will settle for a home wildcard game.....
  17. nothing for me yet....
  18. The first time Drew completes a pass to anyone other than T.O
  20. Just the guy holding Stamer......I think everyone on the Offensive line has a hold of some jersey......look to the block(hold) on the right side of the pic......training camp is where a lot of these guys pick up the bad habbits.....trying to give the QB time...(with no refs) so the drills can play to the end.....
  21. Nice pics thanks........oh it getting closer.....
  22. In Canada when you hit a deer you call one of your buddies with a pickup truck......to transport it to the dinner table....
  23. I thought it was because we couldn't score more points than the other team in most of our games?
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