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Everything posted by thebug

  1. Do you disagree? Why? In your own words, go. (I won't do the full "bet ya can't" condescending act)
  2. Maybe those stats included the spelling Nazis getting off on little mistakes.
  3. Why do I all of a sudden have a craving for oatmeal?
  4. Couldn't happen to a nicer scumbag!
  5. Trump is such an egomaniac, the fact that MSM says a guy (or girl) is gone, It might actually buy them some more time because he has to be right. But, that's just my theory.
  6. If you can say 4 months, then I can say 3 months. That link says nothing. Time will tell.
  7. Isn't it her job to lie for the pres? He will just hold off for a bit like he did with Tillerson to make it look good. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/936688444046266368
  8. No Doubt! Congrats! Huge win. Hope the pub I will be at will show the game for us. Be a nice warm-up before we get to watch the Leafs spank the Habs!
  9. Looking forward to spanking you guys in Lambeau this year! Just kidding! Thinking about going to the game depending on when it is. Cheers!
  10. Obviously more money needs to be spent on mental heath and it needs to start at the top.
  11. Actually quite the opposite! I was told weeks ago to go away because this place would "eat me up and spit me out" in no time. I would be "leaving with my tail between my legs" like the rest of them (you know anyone who had a differing opinion from the clan) because of Big, bad, PPP! Challenge accepted! Pretty sure this latest ignore (didn't know aladdin had already ignored me) wins the bet for me. "They will not ignore you here, they will make you want to leave." Well guess what! Still here! Problem is, now I'm having so much fun, I think I will stay. Cheers! and....there is no !@#$ing way 33 is Canadian.
  12. You thought you would try and engage me by calling me an idiot?
  13. No ****, Trumps a pathological liar.
  14. Isn’t she getting fired in a few weeks anyway?
  15. Maybe that’s where Kenny got the bowling ball shots idea!
  16. Deep voice. Might need something to coat that.
  17. Ok not just me. I thought it was because I am way up in Canada.
  18. Is there a vehicle that wouldn’t dent in that scenario?
  19. Actually he just saved me 10 Grand! After he announced the tariffs (if he doesn’t get his way on NAFTA) I changed my vacation plans. I will still end up spending the money I guess. But it will be in Banff instead!
  20. I have told you that a few times.
  21. No I don’t. I did. Told him to piss off.
  22. So I can’t respond to anyone?
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