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Everything posted by thebug

  1. I fart in your general direction.
  2. Excellent! Now Russian!
  3. Have at it!
  4. No, it doesn’t bother me at all. Are you doing your Trump impersonation? Because you aren’t making any !@#$ing sense at all.
  5. I am not French.
  6. Trump has no idea what he’s talking about when it comes to trade (and plenty of other issues.) He just blurts **** out to sound tough and backtracks later when people tell him how things work. His bully style worked in his real estate life. Well, except for those times he went bankrupt.
  7. Wow, that’s a good one. Got anymore “I know you are, but what am I” gems?
  8. Stormy is going to show a pic of Donald’s dick. Will your face be in the same pic?
  9. No, Trump obviously sucks at hiring. That Is a fact. 10% refund was in relation to how much he must have had to pay her for sex.
  10. I look forward to it. If it’s legit, then cool. Right now it looks like a witch hunt to me. We will see.
  11. Oh, hold on Trump wants 20 million from Stormy? Is that some kind of refund? Like 10% back?
  12. !@#$ Rhino hasn’t replied in a couple of minutes. That means he is preparing a response that might require a weeks holiday in order to read. ?
  13. And Andy has every right to tell what he knows. Trump is out of control. This is going to get fun!
  14. I don’t believe that for a second and I think Trump made a big mistake with his mentions on Twitter. This one is going to bite him in the ass.
  15. Anyone else fired yet?
  16. What about the homework?
  17. I appreciate your understanding though!
  18. I think you missed the "Fair" joke.
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