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Everything posted by thebug

  1. The Canadian jab. That hurts. It’s really horrible to be trapped as a Canadian for sure. Thanks for your understanding. Whatever keep acting like a child.
  2. Lol that’s a horse shot thing to say. Lol in this thread. Whatever.
  3. Haven’t you learned to !@#$ off yet? All you tough guys said you had me on ignore....apparently I need to try harder.
  4. You mean like the cult here?
  5. Actually calling out bad behaviour.
  6. Threads like these downgrade the entire conversation.
  7. No losses reported at this time.
  8. what a bunch of !@#$ing losers!
  9. Myers with an absolute beauty goal.
  10. That's why Martin needs to be in the line-up!
  11. At least the Sabres played well......or ex Sabres at least.
  12. Has to be 3. That lunge at the end is way over the line. He could have let up.
  13. And you are on your phone. Dork!
  14. Can only go up from here! I don’t think you guys are far off from a playoff run. In a couple of years (when the young guys mature) you guys will be fine.
  15. Show me where I said he was done? Use your words and control your anger. It’s ok if someone disagrees with you. Mommy still loves you.
  16. Use your words? Please.
  17. Hook, line and sinker fanboy!
  18. I hope the Bills do well in the ratings next year.
  19. Like I said I don’t care about the ratings or how much these guys make. Carry on caring about ratings, it’s up to you.
  20. He hasn’t won !@#$ all in forever so fans use the “ratings” excuse. Good luck to him on winning the ratings!
  21. No, I just don’t care about ratings. Fans care about winning and last time I checked, this site is a fan site, not a players site.
  22. Why do fans give a **** about how much these guys make?
  23. Never heard any other fan base use ratings as their go to excuse. Tiger fans apparently have the trademark. Lol
  24. Funny, I thought you would have more hair, but other than that......
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