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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. Robert Kraft is a !@#$ing idiot. Had to bring up the score of the Indy gane. Grow a set and stop making excuses you scumbag.
  2. If you're gonna cheer the Pats on, at least get their players right lol.
  3. Welp, that was 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  4. Extremely, seeing how she has a great body.
  5. Nice defense NE. You just got embarrassed in half a minute. Never seen BB, TB ant the rest of the cheaters look so dumbfounded.
  6. Seattle getting shredded by 2-3 yard passes. Looks like NE from 7-8 years ago.
  7. Hard to throw a good ball down field when it's at regular PSI. !@#$ you Brady.
  8. And more NE holding. What a surprise.
  9. Dammit, you're right. My bad. Not even going to go back and correct myself. I'll own up to that faux pas. Lmao, you're right. This whole thread is a freaking soap opera. But if you read every one of my posts again....not once did I ever say I known what's wrong with Marshawn. I said "if" over and over. I think I made myself pretty clear that I don't know what is going on with him. Just stating why someone might act the way he does. Comprehension people.
  10. Seriously?? Football is all he knows, it's his life. He can't help the fact that the only thing he has ever done in his life happens to be on the biggest stage there is. Ever hear of the musician Chickenhead? He is an incredible guitarist who wears an empty chicken bucket over his head when he plays live or makes videos, because he has very bad stage fright. But, it's how he makes his living. Also, I never said Marshawn had an anxiety disorder. I'm just saying it's very possible he might and who are we to say either way? Maybe he is just a drunken idiot....I don't know and I'm pretty sure neither do you. But I'll believe Fred Jackson when he says Marshawn is uncomfortable in the spotlight before any of the people here.
  11. Because if he does have an anxiety disorder, and football is all he knows? That could also be an issue for him, worrying what he would do without football. Anxiety makes people worry and always thinking about "what if". Again, I'm not a psychotherapist, but I'm willing to bet I know a lot more about how complicated an issue this is as I was married to one for 14 years. Mental disorders are one of the hardest things to control, even with meds. And maybe the meds he might need are banned by the NFL. And it's a matter of privacy as to why nothing has ever been mentioned...if there even is a problem. HIPPA ain't no joke no matter what your job is.
  12. Seattle is the all around better team with more raw talent IMO. NE has the edge at QB, and obviously that's the most important position. They also have the better TE, but I think Seattle will focus on taking him out of the game. Seattle 27 NE 23.
  13. Read BackInDaDay's post. And as I said, everyone handles their issues their own way whether it's acceptable or not. What's not acceptable to us may be perfectly acceptable to him. I'm not gonna make any judgements or diagnoses on the guy, because I am not a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
  14. Fined?? If he were lucky. Most likely suspended for the SB and the first four games next year.
  15. And maybe he would rather pay the fines than have to deal with all the questions. Makes plenty of sense if he has some serious mental issues. Everyone handles their demons differently.
  16. Not trying to be a jerk, but how can you honestly make that statement unless you are actually his personal physician? I have no clue if there is anything wrong with him, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out he does have some ongoing anxiety problems.
  17. I agree 100%. But this is NE we are talking about, not the Saints.
  18. So because a person can make an obscene gesture means he has no anxiety/mental issues whatsoever? Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.
  19. Attacking someone's injury is one thing. As in, his right arm is injured so try to stay on his right side so he can't use it as much. But to say "try to break it"??? That's just pure stupidity. If he doesn't get fined, and Marshawn keeps being threatened to be fined for not speaking to the media? That just more proof of what a !@#$ing circus Goodell is running.
  20. TBD, the Bills home of psychotherapists. Social anxiety can hit you in so many different levels and the onset of it can happen at any time of your life. Not neccessarily something people are born with, but it develops over years and can get worse as you age. No one knows for sure except for Marshawn and, if he has one, his therapist. Many people with an anxiety disorder drink alcohol to suppress their anxiety. Obviously Marshawn wouldn't be drinking when he is supposed to be available for the media, but it could explain his problems that are caused due to drinking. Or....maybe he's just an alcoholic. Who knows. All I know is no one on this board knows what is going on in his head. I have no problem with what he is doing.
  21. Much rather listen to his antics rather than to have him stand up there for 40 minutes lying to everyone like we are all idiots.
  22. What I wanna know is if the Pats* are found "guilty" of altering the footballs, is he gonna apologize to the league and millions of fans???
  23. How have you not been banned yet for utter stupidity? You're embarrassing yourself dude.
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