It means he's obviously NOT 72. If a 72 year old geezer is typing that on a message board, he has deeper issues than we already knew about.
And my ex and her entire family are from Boston too. Originally Arlington, now in Woburn. After we split up she took the kids and moved back to the area, but in Nashua, NH as she wanted nothing to do with being near the city. Same reason her parents moved from Arlington to Woburn, just to get a bit farther away from the city. Her father worked for Pepsi for well over 30 years and hated going into the city day after day. And he will be the first to tell you that Pats* fans are fake and he is a huge NE fan, but a realist too. He says before Bledsoe the only player people can name with regularity is Steve Grogan. I asked him what he thought about Tony Collins and he didn't know who he was. And before 2004, the Red Sox weren't all the rage either. Once they won that first WS they came out of the woodwork. And if you ask me, I would guess that at least 75% of people outside of Boston who wear Red Sox crap are just Yankee haters anyways. Boston is well know across the country as having fair weather fans.