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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. Ahh, the good old Harp. Got wrecked in that place years ago, then had to drive back home to Rochester the next day. Not very fun.
  2. Finally something positive today, other than JG not playing. Even better news.
  3. Rob Ryan ruined him down there. That's gotta be it.
  4. I hope you're getting a ride to the soccer game, lol. Sounds like plenty of wine will be consumed before then. Well it's Lynn's second game as OC so if the offense craps out, we can bring in someone new next week. Someone new every two weeks until they get it right.
  5. Did they say he would be a game time decision? That's what it sounds like they are saying now. I just knew he was questionable but likely to play last I heard during the week.
  6. He's gonna Dr. Phil after all this crap.
  7. Now it comes out this morning that the Bills/Whaley knew Sammy's foot might be a long term issue before the draft in April, yet still did absolutely nothing to cover their arse.
  8. Wtf, Sal just said they aren't sure now if Glenn will be able to play. They won't know until warmups. Cyrus is already out so I hope to God Glenn can play, otherwise it's not gonna be pretty
  9. I had no idea either. Rob was awesome. That dude ALWAYS got the ball near the end zone and ALWAYS scored.
  10. One of the smartest moves WGR ever made was putting Murph on from 12-3 and getting rid of the Jim Rome show.
  11. I wish. Might just have to wait for the video, like when Jim Everett threw Jim Rome around.
  12. You didn't have any rat poison? I'm kidding. Or am I?
  13. Ahh, but I didn't say who was the bigger douche was. I can't stand either and I'm waiting for the day when Kellerman pops Smith in the mouth and when Sharpe does the same to Skippy.
  14. Good, I f'n hate that douche nozzle Smith. He and Skip Bayless are nauseating.
  15. You would think if it was a mistake they woulda figured it out by now and changed it. Are they that shot at ABC/ESPN? It's midnight and its still saying he is out.
  16. Prolly crying in my beer....again!!
  17. Starting to think this myself. I can't find anything about it anywhere. Wouldn't be the first mistake Clayton has made.
  18. Not sure if this is being discussed somewhere else, but just saw on the ticker that Clay is out for Sunday. The hits just keep coming for this team. I'll also be surprised if Glenn lasts the entire game.
  19. Exactly. My dislike for the Dolphins isn't even in the same area code as it is for the Cheats. In fact, I even dislike the Jets more than the Phins nowadays too.
  20. Miami players look like they want the season to end already. No urgency whatsoever. Does anyone know if Mario had creamsicle colored contacts for this game?
  21. Miami is getting worse by the week. They may not win another 3 games this year.
  22. And the biggest rat faced douche in the NHL just wins it for Canada.
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