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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. Ref still standing over the ball with double zeros on the play clock. What a debacle.
  2. Love your optimism, but not happening. Maybe 4 more wins. Too much to overcome this year....injuries, questionable coaching and after last night..horrible officiating. This team has no chance and I think Goodell loves it.
  3. The Bills outgained NE in total yards last week. This team just doesn't know how to win.
  4. Sorry, it's article 6, my bad. Obviously I couldn't comprehend reading that post....sparky.
  5. I never believed in games being rigged until tonight. If the Bills won or lost by less than 6 points, Vegas woulda lost on the game. Big (sharp) money came in hard on Seattle -6. Vegas was going to lose big money if the Bills covered the 6. That FG screw up was huge, as was the no call on the last play of the game.
  6. If you can't comprehend article 2, #5 then I'm not sure what to tell you. Shoulda been a penalty six ways to Sunday.
  7. You mean unlike the Jets and Dolphins games? They are the reason they aren't going to the playoffs. If they win those two games, tonight doesn't matter however hard they competed. No officials to blame in those two piss poor performances.
  8. My 71 year old step mom said he looks like a thug, lol.
  9. Gruden was excited to finally see a great game with some BS officiating mixed in. He was the most pro-Bills announcer I've heard. Not that he was against the Seahawks, he was just very unbias all around. Unlike Collinsworth, Fouts, Gannon, Simms, Dierdorf, Wilcots....who always trash the Bills. I know Dierdorf is retired, but he was the worst by far. And he's not afraid to call out crappy playcalling, player performance or officiating. Would love to see him coach the Bills one day.
  10. Oh yeah, forgot about the spike play. At least the refs got something right....what balls to use. I guess that's more important than a players safety. Thanks, forgot about the spike play. I was so pissed I blacked out for a few minutes around that time.
  11. Even if he was offsides, do you think these dullard officials would have caught it?
  12. I read that after the Sherman play, when the debacle started, the reason the clock ran down so far was because they had to bring the K ball in. Wasn't the K ball already on the field seeing how the Bills were already trying to kick the FG? Did I miss something?
  13. Someone should when he tries to take out one of your teammates, or stares down your coach on the sidelines.
  14. I'm sure Rex and Carp didn't mind him swapping jerseys with Sherman. Happens way too much with him. I was at the Jets game this year and he was brutal. He is much too inconsistent to be a top tier DB.
  15. So why doesn't every single DB do that every time QB leaves the pocket? What Sherman did was not legal period. QB's leave the pocket all the time, if a WR is interfered with, it's a penalty.
  16. Right. And if he had played the same in the first half, the Bills have a much better chance at winning.
  17. Lol, and what did he cover great? You're a moron (although you've been told many times already). Do you even watch the games? The only thing he is worse at than covering a WR is tackling one.
  18. Those refs had no clue what uneccessary roughness is, or how to reset the play clock, so how would they know what the illegal contact rule is? Its a complex rule, but it was totally illegal by Sherman. Powell is still a wide receiver no matter where Tyrod is behind the LOS. So he's basically admitting to being an idiot.
  19. Not at all legal. Read the rules.
  20. You're 100% wrong. Get a clue.
  21. And they admitted to not calling uneccessary roughness on Sherman the play before. Brilliant, back to back missed calls. Thanks, means a lot not !@#$ers.
  22. Is that Gilmore or Sherman's wife?
  23. Wants to know what its like to have a clean jersey after a game. Or maybe was out of toilet paper.
  24. Refs are a bunch of pussies, that's why.
  25. Can't wait til this soft, spineless POS is out of Buffalo. What a loser.
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