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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. Dude breaks his leg last night, flies back to Buffalo, needs surgery, but still manages to talk to the idiots on WGR. Dude is a gamer. And says Sherman's play was dirty. He's gonna spend the down time with his daughter. Wants to be on the sideline on crutches. He is a team player 100%. Love this guy.
  2. Dude breaks his leg last night, flies back to Buffalo, needs surgery, but still manages to talk to the idiots on WGR. Dude is a gamer. And says Sherman's play was dirty.
  3. Would love to see Gruden in the Bills organization at some level. Guy is football smart!
  4. HGH, he does look 15 years younger than his age though. Wasn't he with the Pats organization at one time?
  5. It's a bogus story. Just more click bait.
  6. His wife must love him with that lose jaw.
  7. Why was Sherman the only one to move then? I don't get it.
  8. Bingo. If these !@#$s can take the time to tweet ****? Give me a break, wtf are they doing the rest of the time. Is tweeting more important than the outcome of games, or players safety? NFL is a disgrace.
  9. Thank you. Blocking the kick left his mind once he heard the whistle.
  10. Its all good bro. I'm miserable today as well, lol. Who wouldnt be after that crap? I'm just relaying what I hear from someone in the rooms. I usually don't post much because of the backlash that comes with it. Not here to start fights, but some people live for that from behind the keyboards, lol. Which is going to be another teams problem. He will get paid somewhere else, but will he perform to that pay? I highly doubt it.
  11. So 1 game out of how many now?? He stinks in crunch time
  12. No you don't at all. I'm just passing on what I hear from a good friend who has been around this stuff for as long as I've known him. He does this as a part time job. He's a total football but. Mostly high school reporting, but gets press access to all Bills games. Although he has to pay for transportation and lodging when they are out of town. He doesn't go to many road games albeit.
  13. Is that written in stone too? Lol
  14. The higher you go, the more chance you have to block the kick. If the kick gets off and you go low, you'll miss it. Going high gives you more area coverage. Why do you think players leap from the backside? The higher they are the better chance they have at a block. Why do players stretch their arms out when going for a block? Trying to cover the upward path of the ball.
  15. You have no clue.....I won't repeat what was said in the locker room after that. I get a lot more info than you could even think of. Not a big news source, but one that is in the locker rooms every week. Let me just say, Ritchie was foaming at the mouth to get a piece of Sherman....as were numerous other players. The players were not pleased to say the least. You have no clue how much stuff gets stuffed away, these guys have regulations on what they can report. I've seen the books of paper they have to sign. The NFL tells them what they can release. Its horrible the **** that gets nixed.
  16. Are you talking about Incognito who has changed into one of the best o lineman in the league? He has made life changes for the good of himself and the team. Good luck watching Gilmore do that.
  17. I could call out a lot of people, but no one else was being Sherman's buddy after he tried to injure your teammate.
  18. He's a total moron. Hopefully he'll become a fan of Gilmores next team and leave here. No one here likes him, he just likes to throw crap.
  19. Many of the players and coaches said it was dirty....do you not listen to post game? When players try to block a kick, they jump up and at the trajectory of the ball...not down and at the kickers knees. I don't know what you're watching.
  20. I don't swap jerseys or even talk to the player that tried to injure one of my teammates and then looked down to my coach after an INT. Sherman is dirty, always has been, always will be. For Gilmore to buddy up with him after that loss is a disgrace. Gilmore is a joke.
  21. That play gets a flag 90% of the time. Bills got !@#$ed again....I'm numb to all the NFL bull **** already.
  22. Its a toss up on the offensive side......33% officiating, 33% Tyrod and 33% play calling.
  23. I still don't get it. If that's a legal play, why doesn't it happen all the time?. Makes no sense to me. I think its totally a judgement call by the refs.
  24. I'm sure Gilmore will MF Buffalo when he's gone, just like Whither and every other high round draft pick that leaves Buffalo does. Only the old school guys remain faithful....Kelly, Reed, Thomas, Smith, Bennet, Talley. All these young little punks have no care for the team that made them millionaires.
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