Could very easily still be a fracture. I finished a soccer game with a broken foot. It's never been right since. The bone never healed right and it still sticks out the side of my foot.
I originally thought Achilles, but from the replay, looked like a possible broken foot. I do concur. I had the exact same injury. Not serious, but might be six weeks.
Is Edmunds available?
About that turf, I'm not sure when they switched it out, but it's possible the Jags had a few days to test it out. Just a thought. I still think this whole international thing is BS.
Great that Bills were the guinea pig. That guy has single handedly ruined the NFL. Between his over officiating and all this international BS. The game is getting harder to watch. He is not doing the league any favors.
Are you ***** kidding me?? He said they wanted to see how having a team over there for a few weeks stood up to a team travelling from the US. Boomer Esiason just said he would be pissed if he were the Bills. Basically said Goodell's "experiment" was a joke.
You're right about how the injuries seem to be getting worse. Not just Buffalo, but throughout the league. It's like when the Tommy John surgery took over MLB. It was unheard of, until it wasn't. And that keeps players out for over a year.