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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. Because Dennison is a moron?
  2. Sir...please step away from the crack pipe!!
  3. Dirty hits are NOT the Patriots way? Ok, Rodney Harrison says hi.
  4. The only dirt this Bills team is defending are their collective "dirt chutes". Although they are doing a poor job at that too.
  5. Apparently someone from Buffalo already sent Gronk (aka 'Mongo') a candygram. There is footage of it.
  6. LA is one of the worst football markets in the league. Might be a big market, but doesn't matter when no there one cares about the NFL.
  7. I'd be willing to bet Gronk doesn't even know what appeal means. Thinks it has something to do with bananas most likely.
  8. Especially after what McMarshmello said today in his presser
  9. Not when you started 5-2
  10. McDermott is completely delusional. When asked if he was upset that his players didn't respond to Gronks hit, he says "that's not what I saw". Wouldn't answer anymore when questioned further. No wonder this team is spineless.
  11. Pretty sure this has been known for awhile. Nothing to see here.
  12. If this post doesn't send you packing, I'm not sure what will. Not too smart coming to another teams message board basically calling everyone here liars with no common sense. Brilliant
  13. Twice now you.said you were leaving. Apparently you have nothing better to do than stay on another teams message board and keep spewing garbage.
  14. Good, glad they mentioned it. I wasn't watching, just going by what the other poster reported. Still don't like Rodney though, lol.
  15. Probably because one of the dirtiest players to ever play the game, Rodney Harrison, said it was a fine play so no reason to show it.
  16. Not sure he even knows the meaning of the word physics. How can you understand physics when you have no common sense to begin with. Good point. I think Gronk was dropped on his head at birth and has had a concussion ever since.
  17. Of course they do, but to say Gronk wouldn't be concussed by a smaller player is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Doesn't take much to cause a concussion.
  18. Wow, you are dumber than I gave you credit for. Size has absolutely nothing to do with causing a concussion. You may have just won the most idiotic post of the year. Do some research.
  19. Prolly because he's hated on all Pats boards too. If the Pats lost, he never woulda shown up. Typical arrogant Pat's prick fan
  20. Please don't Lmao.......sounds like that's a quote from an 11 year old girl.
  21. Jesus you're a moron. Gronk gets away with pushing off more than anyone in the league. Does it against every team. Open your bloodshot eyes
  22. Gronk might be the dumbest player in the NFL. He was frustrated for supposed PI on him? Hey dumbass, you push-off every single play. Maybe players should start headhunting you after you push-off on them. Punk ass.
  23. Great.....more cheaters on the way
  24. He's not doing that with a concussion genius. Go home already.
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