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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. Well now, 5 minutes after Herbstreet said Darnold needs another year in college, Jesse Palmer just told Van Pelt that Darnold needs to leave school and declare for the 2018 draft. So now I'm convinced he needs to go back to school for another year. Never listen to a dude who was so desperate to find a woman, he went on the show 'The Bachelor'.
  2. Even Kirk Herbstreet, who is very respected around the college ranks, said after the game that Darnold needs to go back to school for another year. Pretty strong statement coming from a guy that thinks he is a future franchise QB. Like I said upthread, he looked better last year IMO. That's not a good thing if you don't improve in college. Put the ball on the ground more than any other player in FBS this year. He is a turnover machine.
  3. Except for size, and that's the one thing that scares me. Not many QBs his size will succeed in the NFL anymore. These defensive players are getting bigger and bigger. The days of Drew Brees style QBs are coming to an end IMO. Manziel was an epic failure trying to make the transition, but I think that was due more to his little "sauce" problem.
  4. The officiating has been absolutely brutal!!! They are as clueless as NFL officials on and off the field. Absolutely no clue what a catch is, what PI is, when to "disqualify" a player, what might be targeting, etc. Officiating is ruining the game on all levels unfortunately. Rules need to be changed to layman's terms so these buffoons don't have to think too hard.
  5. One thing I did like about this game is that I would love the Bills to hire Greg Schiano as their defensive coordinator. Sam Darnold may want to choose a new career path after the beating he took tonight. Schiano doesn't care what the score is, he is gonna keep coming at you. Brady woulda looked like poop against that pressure tonight.
  6. Talk about not being scared to throw into coverage. He will throw 20+ picks a season in the NFL and wouldn't care. Throws a beautiful ball, but usually not to the right guy. I liked him better last year from what I've seen from him this year.
  7. I'm rooting for a stud QB in the draft
  8. OMG, just give Taylor his pink slip on the bust to the airport. He is so brutal.
  9. Lmao,.now they call a penalty on NE. FU refs
  10. Can't wait to hear Tyrods boy Schopp tell us how the game was much closer than the scored showed and that TT played a fairly decent game. He is as worthless and Tyrod, Tolbert and Dennison.
  11. Really can't wait til I never have to watch Tywreck don a Bills uniform ever again. He is beyond pathetic.
  12. Why didn't you go for it McDumbass? Playing to lose......AGAIN
  13. Not almost, they are totally obvious
  14. Can't beat NE and the scumbag refs. The blowout has commenced.
  15. Well, they gave us a slight glimmer of hope then the refs took it away and now the Pats are turning the lights out.
  16. Peterman time. Tyrod is worthless. 15 yard sack you bum. Bills just threw in the towel.
  17. 15 yard personal foul for touching Brady
  18. That's impossible with these **** bag refs
  19. I'm so done with this bull ****. Time to break legs
  20. Starting to dislike Romo and his Pat's homerism.
  21. Seriously, how much of this BS can Bills fans deal with?
  22. This one will get overturned in the Pats favor as well. !@#$ this league, it's disgusting!!
  23. Kiss this one goodbye, NE gonna score in about 45 seconds
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