He was 4 rows in front of me. I really didn't want to get in his business and stick my phone in his face. And I didn't want to yell "SHOOTER" in a crowded stadium with cops everywhere.
Shooter McGavin (Christopher McDonald) was enjoying the game today with Jim and Jill Kelly. Never knew he was a huge Bills fan. He was really into it, dancing and cheering.
Broken bones heal, some diseases don't. I take a little pain over being in the hospital puking and ***ting my brains out. I had a close friend almost die just from stepping in bird *****. They said if he didn't go to the hospital when he did, he would been dead in a day or two. Took him a month to recover.
I beg to differ. If I were forced to do either one, I'm jumping on a table hands down. That alcohol would pick up any trace amounts of bacteria and bring it right along with it. That's disgusting.