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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. Another Booger gem......."This is professional football, let's remember that." Genius I tell ya.
  2. Aren't the Bills undefeated in those pajamas?
  3. Maybe coke feind Gase snorted all the ammonia sticks leaving none for the players to get jacked up.
  4. Was only called because it already a blowout ?
  5. Jeezus, can Joe Tessatore have any more of a hard on for the Pats defense. I've never heard an announcer get so overly excited over a strip sack.
  6. The only way this night will be worthwhile is if Brady leaves on the cart with his leg in an air cast.
  7. Nice defense Greggo, you overrated POS. Yeah, every team wanted you. What a douche canoe.
  8. I remember the first time I had to go to Coral Gables back in the mid 90's. All the streets signs were in Spanish. The English names for the streets were on the curbs. I was like, where the ***** am I?
  9. Do you remember what episode that was? I don't remember seeing him in any and I've seen em all. That's pretty cool though.
  10. South Beach. You won't want to attend the game after being there. ???‍♀️
  11. That train whistle is loud AF and annoying. They should go back to the charging herd of buffalo.
  12. It was more a problem with the refs mic or his voice in general. Every call he made it sounded like he had cotton in his mouth. We couldn't hear the ejection, but that was just due to crowd noise. I can usually hear the ref just fine, yesterday not so much. I don't think it was the PA system though.
  13. McCain spit on the 28 year old, not the 13 year old.
  14. Who the hell is Bobby Cox, Bryan's brother?
  15. First half of games, C-. Second half of games, B+. Wish this offense would be consistent from first whistle to last whistle.
  16. They looked like poop until the 4th qtr. They had a bad day and really really missed Milano today.
  17. That's awesome. I just saw that he was born in NYC and wondered why he wasn't a Jest or Gnats fan. He made the right choice going with the Bills. Next time you stop into BG's, just ask for the Shrimp Pimp and I'll make sure to hook you up nice.
  18. You laid the points, eh?
  19. So what are your feelings on the Bills team so far? And what are your expectations? Thanks in advance, A huge Shooter fan. Shooter McGavin: Stay out of my way, or you'll pay. Listen to what I say.Happy: Why don't I just go eat some hay? I can make things out of clay, or lay by the bay, I just may! What do you say?
  20. I knew William Fichtner was, but had no clue Shooter was.
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