I heard him and BD talking about MENSA one day and how Schopp could be a member or was a member. It was a long time ago so I'm a little fuzzy about the gist of the conversation.
Ok, enough of the all one color uniforms please. Almost lost to the fish wearing all red. Got destroyed wearing all blue. If they lose to the foreskins wearing all white, they better never go with all one color again. Blue and white please.
I listened and my opinion hasn't changed. Loved how right after he let Sal off the air, he asked Bulldog if he thought the Bills were a better team, looking for support. BD didn't really back him up. Schopp cannot stand being wrong because he's in MENSA or whatever. When it comes to sports, he is pretty clueless.
Consider me old school, I'd rather sit in crappy weather than inside a controlled climate. I can't picture watching the Bills play inside. The "home" games in Toronto were horrible. I'm 51 now and still love the outdoor atmosphere. Maybe that'll change the older I get. But for now, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. I'm psyched for this Sunday as the weather is gonna be good football weather.
Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the Bills have sucked for 20 years could it?
My point is that the weather has helped the Bills more than hurt them in their existence. The 90's Bills thrived on beating teams in bad weather.
3-2 = winning record. Indy game, still a win. Both those would be different if the weather was better. The snow was what kept Indy from winning. So agree to disagree. ?
Tell that to Miami, Houston, Tampa, Jax, etc, when they have to play in 20 degrees and snow. It doesn't happen a lot but when it does, it's a big advantage.