Hey Spags, how's your girl Snooki doing? She been able to pull herself off the barstool long enough to make you pasta and Sunday gravy? Or has she dumped your ass because of you having to pick up trash and empty the garbage cans on the boardwalk for the NJDC for the next three years?
It just all seems too much to get ready to implement for the beginning of the season. Maybe they could have something in place by weeks 5 or 6 depending how the fall flu season and Covid are going by then. I myself don't anticipate making it to any games this year, unfortunately.
Temp checks at the gates would go over just swell. Not only would Terry have to spend thousands on hundreds of thermometers, he would have to fork out thousands more to pay employees to open the gates 2-3 hours earlier to get everyone through. I don't see how any of this would be feasible.
You would think so. I'm still not clear on how MLB is going about this. Players that tested positive have to be negative twice within 48 hours to be able to come back. I haven't seen anywhere that they have to quarantine for 14 days though.
China better not ***** this one up. Can we just burn all of China and let them start over?
Not worried at all. Cam is shot, and has nowhere the quick decision making Brady has to get of the ball quick enough. NE has a questionable O-line and lost their world class O-line coach. Wouldn't be surprised to see Stidham beat him out in camp. Scam Newton is finished.
Brady absolutely stinks at golf. Nice to see him fail at something. Manning is no Arnold Palmer, but he's much better than TB. Loved it when Charles Barkley said, just because you're great at one sport doesn't mean your good at the others.
Brown knows he stuff, but he also likes to prove people wrong and can be a hard listen at times. He does think his ***** don't stink when it comes to Bills knowledge. I'd rather listen to Sal anytime.
I could see Singletary regressing some if Zack Moss plays to his potential. Not to mention Gore was pretty invisible the 2nd half of last season, so that meant more work for Devin as well.
Patrick DiMarco may not do much (not that he has lately) if he even makes the team.