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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. I never said that politics were being shoved down my throat. I have no problem what anyone did last night. I just wanna go watch football, it's a good way to get away from all the BS going on in the world today. But now it's leaking into everything we eat, sleep and breathe. I'm afraid the world will never go back to normal....whatever normal is. I don't think we've ever been normal to be honest. Spoiled maybe, but not too normal.
  2. I NEVER go to the PPP and never talk politics anywhere but in private. But when some jag off who doesn't know me from a bag of #######s calls me the problem.......ima speak up. And going by his profile name, we live two towns apart. In the same city where the police and Mayor tried to cover up the murder of a black man back in March. And the mayor and police chief are both black. But racial injustice isn't political. You can't make that ***** up.
  3. As long as Brady is in Tampa, the only teams that should worry now are the Saints, Falcons and Panthers.
  4. Time to move this thread to the PPP section. Don't expect much more football talk in here. 😄
  5. Unfortunately there will always be some type of it. At least while I'm still alive. This isn't going away anytime soon. Goodell is leaving it up to the players, and POTUS thinks it's unethical. But no, it's not political at all. Give me a break.
  6. You have no clue what I think. I'm just there to watch football. I've protested plenty of things in Rochester, so get off your high horse and don't tell me I'm the problem. Talk about ignorance. This is an everything problem and politics are just one of them. Open your eyes. And how can you say human injustice isn't political? The Rochester Police Dept and City Hall kept the murder of Daniel Prude a secret for six months until it was finally leaked out a week ago. Yeah, not political at all.
  7. I think they need a game or two just to get some live game experience and to get a better look at some bubble guys in real game action. Four games is too many. I'm sure Josh and Diggs wouldn't mind a half of real football to work on timing and things.
  8. This is the United States, some will agree, some will disagree. Get used to it. This is the new normal. I myself wouldn't cheer or boo. Just keep to myself. I wanna watch some football without all the political BS.
  9. After watching MLB and NHL games with no fans, but having pumped in crowd noise, I can say if you're really just focusing on the game itself, there is not much of a difference. The NHL is doing a great job with the "oohs and ahhs" after a big play or hit, it sounds great. The thing is with the NFL, they take so many shots of the crowd during the game, that will be hard to cover up. Either way, I'm just psyched to watch the Bills. Let's go Buffalo!!!
  10. Empty stadiums are gonna have pumped in fan noise. So hearing the fan noise in an empty stadium will be a little weird.
  11. Bastards got quite a bit of mine over the years
  12. I had 54, coulda sworn it was 53. It's amazing how these odds makers come so close.
  13. I just double checked my account and I have under 54, thought it was 53. I'll gladly take the push right now. And another FG from kicker is just a bonus.
  14. Kneel on the GD ball!!!!!!!
  15. Zack Moss woulda scored on that
  16. No *****, I'm about to lose my under bet. ***** prevent defense BS
  17. He made it 57 minutes. He must have been going nuts that whole time.
  18. I always figured he showers with his Chiefs gear and headset on.
  19. Well at least now we all know what Andy Reid looks like behind his steamed up shower door. 🤪
  20. Cobb can't stay healthy for a full season either.
  21. Seeing how, according to Houston, he's worth 40 million per.....it shouldn't matter who his WR's are. 😆
  22. Well, KC did anyways.
  23. No need to worry, I hear his nickname in the locker room is gerbil penis.
  24. Houston blows chunks
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