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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. So we know that there are at least 4 Pats fans that post here. I'm just wondering if they are talking about the weather for the game. I know WEEI can have some real tools on there, Christian Fauria for example. That guy is dumber than a stump. Not just cause he's an ex Pats player, he also played in San Diego. But he comes across as a dolt. So what's the talk in NE about the weather? I'm sure they're saying it favors Mac Jones and their short passing and running game plan.
  2. Welp, I'll be sitting there in whatever mother nature dishes out. I just hope everything calms down by the end of the game. Don't need a 4 hour ride back to the Roc. I park in lot 1, so I take 20A to either Strykersville or Warsaw and head north to the Thruway from there.
  3. Sorry dude, I seriously thought you were talking about Josh Allen. And the Pats went and signed two beast tight ends and you're saying they don't use both? I know Hunter Henry is a stud. I can't even name the other big name TE they signed, lol. One more thing, do you think "moron" Josh will go for a head coaching job next season??
  4. The high wind warning is only til 8 pm Monday night. Does that mean the wind just stops?? Hell to the F no. Still gonna be windy AF during game time. The snow is anybody's guess.
  5. Anyone wants to have a few frosty cold brews on me, DM me for my usual spot. I already got a dude from SS I'm sposed to hook up with. I have passes for lot #1 near the practice fields. Hit me up if anyone wants to #getinone!!! Anywhere to the south side of the stadium.
  6. ESPN just said rain and wind during the game. I know they have no clue about weather, but wtf.....def gonna rain, but only til 2-3 o'clock. Monday night gonna be cold, windy and some lake snow, which no one knows where it will line up yet. One dude says a band will line up right over Highmark. Stadium. That's just one guy though. I'm just hearing gusty winds, some snow and 20 mph winds with gusts up to 45. We're just gonna have to wait and see people. I gots my North Face snows pants ready to go. I gotta sign off. I'm pretty buzzed and eve;ry time my fingers get anywhere near the keyboard, weird ***** happens. Wtf. Let's go Buffalo. I smell a Buffalo beat down coming on. Maybe not a beat down, but Buffalo wins without a problem. 20-10 if NE is lucky. Maybe 20-7. Nick Folk is older than dirt and I don't see him making anything over 30 yards. Bass might be good from 40. Gonna be an interesting game. I can't wait!!!
  7. Look up delusional in the dictionary. It shows a picture of a full Gillette Stadium.
  8. He never threw that deep in Bama either and the short passing is not their norm. He has had a weak arm his whole career. Can't all of a sudden turn his arm into a cannon. He is limited in that sense.
  9. I like that forecast for 11 p.m., 28 degrees with a cool breeze. Wonder if Max Jones has ever felt a "cool breeze" in 28 degrees?
  10. I'm sure some network is trying to work on a future Cris and Jac, father and son broadcast team. Could you imagine listen to those two for a whole game? Their voices alone would drive me insane.
  11. I wasn't pissed or trying to start an argument with you. Just pointing out a fact about the models. I was just surprised at how quick you were to tell me I was wrong, when clearly I wasn't. And I also know forecasts can change right up until that day. I remember one day back in elementary school (I've lived in Rochester area my whole life), where they were calling for a blizzard and the schools all closed early, wegmans was getting wiped out, etc. Well, it got really dark and cloudy and nothing ever happened. Not one flake of snow. It was very strange. It's all good Hap!!!
  12. Nice to see you've worked on your grammar and spelling.
  13. Three of those guys look like football players. One looks like a Jehovah Witness jerkoff.
  14. Sweet, I can break out my Owens 50th anniversary jersey once again.
  15. Not sure what else to tell you. I copy and pasted this from NOAA. You believe whatever you like. And remember, Google is your friend. I've read plenty on the supercomputer weather models. ECMWF Global models with worldwide weather forecasts The ECMWF is generally considered to be the most accurate global model, with the US's GFS slightly behind.
  16. And to my knowledge, most U.S. meteorologists so use the Euro model. A good friend of mine went to school to become a meteorologist and said most, if not all weatherman/women use the U.S., the Canadian and the Euro models. And that historically the Euro model is most accurate. I don't know jack about meteorology, just going by what I'm told by people in the know.
  17. Is this the first time that two teams have played on back to back Thursday nights? Seems odd.
  18. Pretty good actually. And the thing about this game, is the forecast is getting worse, not better, as the days go by. And the Euro model, which is the most accurate, is predicting the harsh conditions.
  19. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/cris-collinsworth-deal-nbc-snf/qlgjc8mv9ayk1p8lizv4xguy8 Please, not 4 more years!!!
  20. I just saw that now they are calling for winds up to 60 mph for Monday Night. Should make things very interesting.
  21. I was making a point that many people enjoy watching a snow game, whether from their couch or live. Nowhere did I say it had anything to do with the popularity of football. Also never said I wanted every game to be played in the snow. 🙋‍♂️
  22. Mac Jones was drafted at his ceiling. He isn't coachable. He already has good accuracy with a short passing game. He isn't physically mobile (uncoachable) and he has a weak arm (uncoachable). He also is inaccurate throwing down field (which is coachable, but not with a noodle arm). Teams will adjust and he will be a backup for most of his career. How many QBs have the pundits praised in their first year just to watch them fade to rust? Too many to count.
  23. I just see Jones as a one trick pony. He can't run, he can't throw deep. He can dink and dunk and hand the ball off. So maybe a two trick pony, lol. Josh Allen was coachable with his accuracy and has proven it. Mac Jones isn't coachable to all of a sudden throw the ball deep, his arm is too weak. He's also a rookie so teams aren't sure what to expect. He will be figured out real quick and will be the next Trent Edwards. His floor is a lot bigger than his ceiling. In fact, he may have been drafted at his ceiling. That's just my opinion, but we've seen it before. Weak armed QBs don't last long.
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