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Posts posted by Grant

  1. You MUST be joking.


    Need I remind you that the Squeeler second-stringers kicked the snot out of the Bills in week 17 last year?



    YOU must be joking.


    I agree that the Steelers are a better team than the Bills.


    That does not make it a "fact." It is still an opinion. There's no such thing as a factual sentence with the word "better" in it. It's an opinion. Again, a widely held opinion is still an opinion.


    Did you drop out in the third grade or do you just "forget" to read things that prove you wrong?


    I'm still awaiting your rebuttal to my Spikes post. Tell me how isn't the best linebacker on the team again please.

  2. Our best linebacker, huh?


    Who led the team in tackles last year, genius?




    Because that obviously is the only determing factor in a player's worth.


    Fletcher may have had more total tackles (although Takeo was second), but he is not nearly the overall player that Takeo is. Nevermind that last year Takeo was second on the team in interceptions with 5 and two of them were for touchdowns. London didn't have any interceptions.


    Fletcher is fine against the run but is a liability in the passing game. Takeo (as evidenced with his 5 interceptions) is not only good against the pass, but (as evidenced with his 96 tackles) is also fine against the run.


    This is all completely ignoring the energy and heart that Takeo brings to the team, too, which is incalcuable. Try a better argument next time, genius, because I can be just as big of an ass as you can.



  3. It's a phenomenal show with terrible ratings. Funniest thing on television.


    If you like things like Curb Your Enthusiasm, Family Guy, Reno 9-11!, Seinfeld... anything like that, then this is your type of show.


    It takes a little bit to "get to know" the characters, which is important since like the best of comedies the humor is organic and not forced, but give it a chance, folks! You won't regret it.

  4. You know I have been a detractor of JP all off season, but I don't blame him one bit for this.  The coaching was horrible.  Both sides of the ball, ST's etc...  MM, is further in my doghouse after this.


    PS....  He should go apologize to Reed, because he is JP's best receiver right now.



    I wouldn't excuse Losman, just as I won't excuse any of the other starting players. No one looked good today, and no one is exempt from blame, just as no one was exempt from praise last week.

  5. I honestly do not understand how you can not like Arrested Developement. the show is a scream



    I admit that the show is kind of tough to jump into mid-season (as is Curb Your Enthusiasm) since there's so much continuity from episode to episode, but if you watch even just a few episodes, you catch on to the characters pretty quickly and then are able to absorb the unparalleled greatness of the show's writing and acting.

  6. "Well, Matt, you've been with us now for a few years. You've had a top 10 draft pick each year and so far only a few have done anything. Free agent signing has been embarassing. Actually, we've barely shown any signs of progress at all. In fact, we're probably about as close to the playoffs as we were when you arrived. How about a raise?"

  7. After the countless Henry bashing I've read in the past year, this thread is nice to see.


    I'm glad most of us can appreciate how much Henry busted his ass for Buffalo while he was here. Honestly, he did what he could with what he had; people will bust his chops for things out of his control (his size, his learning disability), but with what he could control, he made the most of it.


    I hope Henry does well and I'm sure he will.

  8. I've seen BATMAN BEGINS now, too, and I also think it was positively incredible. One of the best films I've seen in years, which isn't something I would typically award a superhero movie!


    Honestly, it's a great film, and I think the best comparison is to 1978's SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE, which I'd consider the last great superhero movie (maybe SPIDER-MAN 2 would be up there, I don't know). They both tell really good - and more importantly, interesting - origin stories and certainly represent the character on screen as they should.


    Highly recommended from me.



    Here's some responses to a couple of points that people brought up earlier in the thread:


    -For some reason, a complaint seems to be that the film lacks humor. I thought the film had more humor than the previous movies, but the humor wasn't cheap or cheesy; instead, it was classy, subtle humor. I laughed quite a bit at the newspaper headline at the end.


    -As was stated before, BATMAN BEGINS completely ignores the previous four films. This is not a remake nor a reimagining, it's a Batman movie that's actually about Bruce Wayne/Batman. Although I liked BATMAN 89 and moreso BATMAN RETURNS, neither film cared at all about the title character (which was better in RETURNS, in my opinion, because that film was honest about it's disdain for the title character and focused on the Penguin the entire time). BATMAN 89 really should've been titled JOKER. And that Alexander Knox character? Awful. You want to talk about Jar Jar Binks characters...


    -I actually didn't mind Katie Holmes' character. She wasn't even really a love interest except for the obligatory kiss at the end, she was more like his only true friend from before his parents' murder. Not to mention she actually served a real purpose instead of just being "the girl" - I really liked how she taught Wayne about the justice/revenge thing.


    -Someone earlier thought that the film's idea of making Bruce feel responsible for his parents' death was stupid (from what I understand, in the comics the family simply sees The Mark of Zorro and leaves and they get shot; in the film, young Bruce gets scared because there are bat-like characters in the opera and asks them to step outside and then they get murdered, which works a million times better, I think).



    Sorry for the kind-of-long post, but I just thought you guys ought to know what I discovered: Even if you generally don't like superheroes, comic books, or Batman - actually, especially if you generally don't like those things - go see this film. First class all the way.

  9. Count me in as being sick of having the entire country go into a frenzy every time a well-to-do WASP family misplaces their pageant daughter.


    People go missing everyday and many never return. Just open your newspaper to the local news and you'll see at least one, I'd bet. But they're relegated to back pages of the paper, much less national coverage.

  10. I can honestly say that if the NFL put ads on their uniforms and then sold the exact same thing to the fans I would never buy another jersey again.



    I think this is a solid point. Right now, the NFL is one of the biggest money making machines around and adding corporate logos on the jerseys is way too dicey of a move for the League to make. Most people are sick of being bombarded with advertisements, and I think it would end up hurting the NFL more than help it, financially.

  11. Okay, I'll bite (pun intended).


    Are you ready?


    Here goes.


    1) "At least now she'll have a legitimate reason to smell like fish down there."


    2) "The story became even more confusing when it was revealed the woman was actually smuggling fishsticks up her skirt. It reportedly felt great."


    3) "I knew something fishy was going on here."


    4) "A woman's crotch and a bag of fish. Has a story ever seemed so natural?"

  12. Whatever. I don't know why I even bothered.


    People regularly complain that the current uniforms look like a hybrid of the Broncos and Titans, and if that is accepted as truth, I'm baffled as why a comparison to the throwbacks and the Colts/Giants jerseys is considered blasphemy.


    Oh, wait. I know. It's because the consensus is that we dislike the current uniforms and like the throwbacks. So saying they're not god's gift to uniforms, and in fact they're quite generic, is absolute mularkey (pun intended) to this bunch.





    White helmet, medium blue jersey with white letters and white trim, white pants. Who am I talking about?


    I can see the response now:


    ohnoes grant ur wrong cuz, see, see, teh bills haev reddddd!!!!!1111!!!!1 lolololol omg ur a retard they are nuthing alike, ur a communist too i bet (cuz u like reddd getitit????) and probably gay loolololol



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