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Posts posted by Grant

  1. He has the physical tools he needs the mental tools.



    Give JP a running game and I bet he looks like a different QB. Hell give him some coaches that know how to game plan and I bet he looks great!


    If I had a nickel for every time I heard these phrases about a Buffalo quarterback...

  2. Answer the question if JJ is hired do u quit being a Bills fan?    This team needs fixing and Jimmy seems to understand that the trenches are were ya start.



    I didn't know it was a convention for reds, I swear! I thought it was a book signing club. Please don't blacklist me. :D

  3. So If Ralph hires JJ you stop being a Bills fan?



    Sorry Tom, I forgot I wasn't allowed to voice any dissent what-so-ever. Please keep the House of Un-Donahoe-Approved Activies Committee away from me.


    I love the Buffalo Bills and I think they're doing a wonderful job and the uniforms look great and we draft brilliantly and our offensive lines are fine, they just need more consistency in execution. :D

  4. Bills and Clown class seem to fit in a sentence very very well.



    Good call. Not only are the Bills the laughing stock of the league, but also like most clowns, they carry around rags soaked in ether in case any fan dare utter the name Moulds.

  5. As much as I hate this team right now (which is a lot), I can't even comprehend how much more I would hate them if they hired Jimmy Johnson.


    You think the Bills have been classless since Donahoe was hired? Just wait until JJ comes into town. You won't be able to say "Bills" and "class" in the same sentence without bursting into fits of laughter and/or tears.

  6. I don't hate the Buffalo Bills as an abstract idea, as a franchise, but I really hate this 2005 team.


    I hate the players, the coaches, the management, the "new and improved" uniforms we've had to deal with - give me a team and organization that cares about winning and cares about the fans.


    What a bunch of pussies these guys are. F them.

  7. The bottom line is that Moulds has been one of the best players on this team for years and he's also someone that believes in the Buffalo tradition.


    Just last year, Moulds was saying how more people need to respect the uniform (as it is, anyway) - that they should emulate the kind of pride shown by the Levy teams.


    Moulds has been a leader with the Buffalo Bills and should be shown from the fans that we respect what he's done.

  8. I don't see how people can still be emotional about the Flutie/Johnson thing anymore. Let it go.


    At the time, I was a Johnson supporter because, with everything we were told, he had the "tools" to become the Next Big Thing. I believed it. And he did show flashes of it, with that cannon on his right arm.


    Obviously, in hindsight, Flutie was one of the best things to happen to this team. He had a killer instinct, something RJ lacked which was a huge flaw of his (besides being brain-dead and brittle boned), he re-juvenated the town and was able to give the team some confidence that they could pull out a win no matter what.


    People saying that Flutie "had a big ego" or was "a cancer" aren't thinking clearly. The best quarterbacks in the NFL have big egos. Jim Kelly had one of the biggest egos ever.


    If your QB doesn't have an inflated self-worth, then they shouldn't be your QB.

  9. How many more times will these Bills drop the ball, so to speak?


    For most of the day, the Bills seemed like they were going to cruise to victory. And clearly they thought so too, as they let their lead deteroriate into a one point loss.


    You know what this shows us? They don't know how to win. They take a lead and get comfortable. Or they fall behind and give up. Either way, if a victory is not gift wrapped for the 2005 Buffalo Bills, they won't make much of an effort to get it.


    Something needs to change. I don't know what, but something. Maybe everything.


    Are the coaches the reason the Bills can't finish their opponents off, and can never come from behind to win? Maybe, but this crap was happening before Mularkey came in.


    Are the players the reason? It seems like a legitimate explanation, but do we really want to go through another long rebuilding process?


    What about management? Well, Donahoe decides who comes and who goes in terms of coaches and players. And after four non-playoff seasons under his tenure, the team is no closer to glory than before he arrived. They could even be further away.



    I'm not really sure where the blame should be placed, honestly. But it's difficult to see how this team is going to grow a pair overnight.

  10. Like I said, I believe that was more TDs decision than Ralphs.



    People ought to keep in mind the whole fiasco of Ralph refusing to honor Wade Philips' contract a few years ago. I think that kind of shows that Ralph is still a penny pincher.

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