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Everything posted by Grant

  1. I hope so.
  2. Did this really deserve it's own thread?
  3. Yeah, guys, this isn't 1972. Racism doesn't exist anymore!
  4. My dream TSW is an empty TSW. Except me.
  5. Ralph is a multimillionaire and settles for a Taurus. Is he building a moon base on the side or something? Why so tight with the cash, old man?
  6. These sorts of responses puzzle me. We take pride in that the Buffalo Bills have had a long tradition of sucking? We shouldn't be angry or upset that the Bills are a mess because it's happened many times before? What?
  7. I like how everyone's conclusion isn't "Great, yet another article implying Wilson is a difficult owner to work with" but rather "Great, yet another hack writer making up stuff about our organization for no reason! Why us?"
  8. Maybe he forgot that teams are allowed to blitz when you're not wearing the red practice jersey.
  9. That'd be worth watching! "When TSWers Attack"... I'll fuggin' bet'cha FOX would pick something like that up.
  10. What about porn?
  11. I'll take Hollywood for the win.
  12. I'm beginning to wonder even if we had hired John Fox or Marvin Lewis how much more successful we would have been. With the recent Mularkey resignation, coupled with not-so-distant-past instances of clashes between coach and owner, I'm coming around to the thinking that maybe the real problem is even higher up in the organization.
  13. I might be way off on this, I have no idea, but isn't Tom Brady calling the plays for New England's offense? It's either him or Belichick, because they have no official offensive coordinator according to the team website: http://www.patriots.com/team/index.cfm?ac=coaches
  14. It's not like the Colts are untalented. Looking at the two rosters, it's not unreasonable to say that the Colts have a more talented squad than the Patriots. So I don't think that excuse works for Peyton.
  15. This is an excellent and honest post.
  16. See, I think Peyton gets more credit for reading defenses because of the auidible thing, but from what I've seen Brady can read D's just as well if not better. I'll never claim to be an Xs and Os football scientist, but based on the games I've watched, Brady's been just as adept at finding holes in defenses as Manning is.
  17. He was able to at least get there in his early years, though.
  18. Haslett had 5 full off-seasons in New Orleans. I think that's plenty of time for a coach to be able to put his own stamp on a team without any baggage or excuses from the previous regime's dealings. Keep in mind that Haslett only made the playoffs his first year, when the team had already been built by that previous regime.
  19. Why? I mean, it's all judgement calls, but in my view, I'd compare Brady and Manning as follows: Arm strength, Manning wins hands down. Accuracy, it's a toss-up. Clutch/Intangiles, absolutely goes to Brady. Poise in the Pocket, you have to give this to Brady. Reading defenses, I would say is even as well. So I wouldn't say Brady is head-and-shoulders above Manning, but I would prefer to have him over Peyton if I had the luxury of choice.
  20. Try to imagine the New England Patriots as the Buffalo Bills. Everything about them is the same except for where they play and what uniforms they play in. I think if Brady played in Buffalo, we'd be falling all over ourselves proclaiming him to be the greatest football player of all time. Forget that he's in our division and forget the ESPN hype. Try to look at Brady as objectively as possible and you'll realize he's the kind of quarterback that we'd like to have on our own team. Smart, poised and calm with accurate throws and knows how to put touch on the ball. If Brady were on the Bills, I wouldn't be pining for Manning. Manning may have the better arm, but Brady is the better overall package.
  21. Since Denver won, I guess we could say this "blah king" is somewhat important in the overall success of a team.
  22. I don't think anyone who's reasonable ever said Brady is the sole reason for the Patriots success, but I find it silly to deny his importance. Without Brady, the Patriots wouldn't have won the Super Bowl. But they wouldn't have won it without Bellichick as a coach, either.
  23. So when they win it's because of Bellichick and when they lose it's because Brady sucks?
  24. I'm familiar with the first word, "zone." Like, red zone where an offense is supposed to stop and the endzone where an offense daredn't go. But "blah king"? What is this? I've never heard of this. Why haven't the Bills been doing this "blah king" you talk about?
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