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Posts posted by Grant

  1. The whole POINT of freedom of speech is to allow UNPOPULAR SPEECH. Read that again for effect.


    Meaning, JimBob, that the fact they offend you is GOOD FOR AMERICA.


    Just because you disagree doesn't make it "treason". Jeez, what grade did you drop out of?


    I'm sure the Patriot Act is a great idea, in your opinion, too. :wacko:



    Let me ask you..


    Is flag burning treason? SHOULD it be? Because in a country supposedly built on revolution, freedom of speech, and letting everyone have a say - even if it's unpopular - that would mean that the ultimate show of "patriotism" is NOT waving your flag; but rather, burning it in protest.


    THAT would be true American patriotism. Unfortunately, for the blind flag-waving knee-jerk "patriots", they often forget that the most important part of America is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


    Luckily for them, the current administration seems to be rectifying that as quick as they can! YAY FOR LESS FREEDOM. :P:D

  2. Oh, OK. I get his drift. Know where he is coming from now.


    And there's nothing wrong with that.




    I really shouldn't even dignify this with a response, because this might be the most childish thing I've ever read.


    If I support black civil rights, that must mean I'm black, right?



  3. I'm all for less government, too, brother.


    But where as you seem to be only concerned with less government fiscally, I want less government PERIOD.


    Which means, who cares if gay people want to get married? Why in the world are we fighting it so much? Why shouldn't they be entitled to the same benefits as heterosexual marriages? I'm waiting for someone to provide a reasonable argument for it, and I'm hearing crickets.


    And I don't think it's right for private entities to discriminate based on things like that. I want less government, BELIEVE ME, but we should not encourage ignorance and bigotry.

  4. I didn't need a piece of paper or government blessing to love my wife.



    But, boy you'll be thankful for that piece of paper if one of you were hospitalized, wouldn't you?


    If you and your wife weren't legally married, and she was in a coma, you realize you would not be able to see her or have any say on life support? Because you're not related, legally or blood, and that's all hospitals would care about.


    And I don't think you're complaining about that piece of paper when companies say they only insure spouses and not civil unions.


    And if one of you died and you weren't legally married, wouldn't you be wanting that piece of paper so you might be entitled to your lover's inheritance, instead of it going to her blood family, who may or may not even like or accept your relationship? Makes it hard to pay for a funeral.


    It's ridiculous that we don't care if people get married on a drunken fling in Vegas, but people that've been together their entire lives can't enjoy the legal benefits as heterosexual marriages.



    I can't believe you even tried that argument, Darin. You're smarter than that.

  5. Go ahead. TRY and make a good argument for why I obviously have no idea what I'm talking about (when I haven't said much yet).


    Because all that post said was, "I didn't vote for Bush because I was duped by his campaign and I'm not easily influenced, I promise. In fact, it's the people voting democrat that are stupid and I could prove it but I don't want to right now, that way maybe my arrogance will scare you off and I won't have to back up what I say."

  6. The problem with that whole argument is that you can't tell people what should and should not be important to them. Many conservatives, particularly religious conservatives, view it as conflicting with (or an outright attack against) their traditional beliefs and way of life. They already believe the erosion of these and other traditional beliefs and values has been contributing to the decline of our society. Whether anyone likes it or not, that makes it a very big issue with these voters.


    The problem with THAT argument, Brandon, is that you're saying that certain people's beliefs are more important than others.


    Some people think gay marriage is a "sin". NOT EVERYONE believes that. Some people are tolerant!


    Of course, if we decide to let the religious right rule our lives, all gay people would have to die (it's in the same book that the same people quote when arguing against gay marriage). Also, anyone that's ever had sex with their wife when she was on her period would have to die, according to the Bible.



    In time, we will look back upon this period and shake our heads in embarassment and wonder why some people tried so hard to prevent people from loving each other.

  7. Were you trying to insult me? Or declare intellectual superiority?




    You couldn't even bother to use proper capitilization or grammar, and you're saying I'm uneducated.


    Hilarious. Well, at least you're confirming that most of the votes that went for Bush were from people barely able to operate at a functional level.



    You know the Pats fans are getting worried when they have to resort to "..So?! We're still better than you!!"


    Yeah. The Super Bowl champions have a better record than a team with a new head coach and worthless quarterback.


    Good for you.




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