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Posts posted by Grant

  1. Roald Dahl died in 1990.  The only thing he had to do with this movie was writing the book.  Maybe he wanted another version made, but he certainly didn't work on this.  It should also be noted that the first movie is entitled "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", this version is named after the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".




    That's what I meant.


    Notice I didn't say he worked on the flick. But his displeasure over the first was a driving force behind Burton's vision and his idea to stick true to the source material.

  2. wow. i will definitely go see that next year. Thsi might sound strange, but I will bet it is one of the highest grossing films of 2005.

    I saw Robert Dalh's name in the credits. I'd be surprised if he had anythign to do with this. He refused to allow the sequel (I believe called the Giant Glass Elevator) to be made into a movie because he hated the first so much



    Dahl was big in the making of this movie. That's a big reason why it was made in the first place - Dahl wanted a movie that was truer to the spirit of the book.


    He didn't like how the first one was a kids musical and he believed that it should have been a bit creepier.

  3. What's the capitalistic way?  Establishing a monopoly?



    You would've saved yourself a lot of time if you had read for context. If you'd done that, you'd know that I was simply correcting the poster above me in the post that you quoted.


    He sarcastically said that EA doing this is "the democratic way", which makes no sense since democracy has little to do with the economy. I corrected him by saying it would be the capitalistic way, not the democratic way - again, all sarcastically, since the concept of capitalism is being perverted here. Understanding the word "irony" would help.



    OBVIOUSLY, I'm not happy with this news. Again, it's basic economics - less competiton means inferior product. I'm not sure how you thought that's what I was saying, but I wasn't.

  4. I'd be perfectly happy about ripping the Dolphins off in a one-sided trade. But if the trade was more balanced, it would be better for it to be outside the division.



    I don't think I'd do it, even for a 1st rounder. Although the angry mob on the board has begun the "kill Travis" chant, everyone seems to have conveniantly forgotten that this guy was the best player on the team up until this year.


    Anyone remember last year? Getting 1300 yards after missing a game or two and playing the whole year on a broken leg and bruised ribs?


    You think Antowain Smith was something posessed when we played him twice a year? Imagine Travis Henry.


    No, he needs to go outside the division and outside of the conference if possible.

  5. What is wrong with you?


    How in the world can you think we are in ANY position to bash Bengals fans? When's the last time we made the playoffs? What's our record?


    This week's game isn't a cakewalk, buddy. This is the playoffs. The Bengals are a good team and all you're doing is prodding the bear.



    Jeezus. Go play in traffic.

  6. Because they don't beleive they're out of the playoff race, no matter how we're looking at it.

    They're a wounded animal backked into a corner and probably more dangerous now than they were yesterday.


    Good point. This is the biggest game of the season.


    We're going to learn a few important things about this team next Sunday.


    - How Mularkey handles a game with real pressure. On the road.


    - How the "new and improved" Bledsoe handles real pressure. On the road.


    Over the past three years, this team has always come up small when we needed it most. The past few weeks, though, this team has started to show some resilience - something the Bills of old were known for.



  7. Looking ahead to the Steeler game ASSUMING you've won out is foolish. Focus on THIS WEEK'S GAMES and root against every wild card contender that you're competing.


    Whether we get the 1 seed or the 2 seed, we'll still have a week off and we're still going to the Super Bowl. (We can beat the Steelers in Pitt, they cant beat us in Foxboro)


    I'll be thinking of that when I'm enjoying Patriots playoff football in January.



    I just thought it was funny how many times Thurman's Helmet can contradict himself not only in one thread, but also in one post.


    It's also hilarious how he seems to believe that because his favorite team is winning, he has this all-knowing insight about the NFL now.

  8. Hahahahahaha. You like emo. Hahahahaha.


    Sorry, I almost completely missed what you said because of your embarassingly big signature.


    Oh, and the Pats will still be a force with or without Weis, I reckon. Pittsburgh has two brand new coordinators this season - how's that working out for them?

  9. Why is it that in any other profession, relevant experience is the most important quality a job candidate can have.  And yet in a head coaching position for a pro sports team, we continue to get people bemoaning the "recycled old boys network"?  Perhaps the reason they are "recycled" is because they understand how to coach.


    Gee, I guess Belichick should have been tossed on the scrap heap after a few bad years in Cleveland.  And Marv should have been put out to pasture after his mediocre years in K.C.  <_<



    Are you kidding? You can point to Levy and Belichick, but there are tons of examples where coaches are recycled just because people are familiar with them. Look at all of the people on here who were crying for Jim Fassel, for chrissakes.


    If I understand you correctly, KD, you're saying that those that are recycled are so because they are the smartest ones out there? They're the best coaches? You're saying there are only 3 or so men in the nation that qualify as "smart enough" to be NFL head coaches?


    Well, gee golly, KD, then all white people must be genetically superior to the other races since we're just so gosh darn smart and can dominate a field like that. Because OBVIOUSLY the reason white men dominate the field is because they MUST be smarter than anyone else out there.


    I bet. You know why the Buffalo Bills or the Kansas City Chiefs or whomever won't hire a black coach? LOOK AT THEIR OWNERS.


    These are older fellas, brought up in a different time. You don't think they might be just a LIIIIITTLE discriminating?


    Ridiculous. It's just mind boggling to see that some people can never escape a 3rd grade mentality. Others gain a broader worldview and a bit more understanding of the sociological issues we face.

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