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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. He's been a head coach for 7 years if he hasn't figured it out now he never will. Fire him today.
  2. McDermott fired yet?
  3. Hoo boy
  4. What'd the ginger ####### have to say at his press conference? Mumble mumble complementary
  5. He's checked out. Non Miller out there loafing. Been fun. Time to cut dead weight.
  6. Other guy hit a 60 harder in the rain
  7. Well then I'll do it.
  8. Then do me a ***** favor genius and put me on mute so I don't have to endure your insufferable ramblings.
  9. 13 seconds That abomination in new England this year Choking against the broncos
  10. Not to throw mind boggling INTs that lead to game winning TDS? I mean, this ain't hard pal.
  11. We never didn't. No more overrated QB and roster in the entire NFL.
  12. Can't ever have nice things ever
  13. Choke choke choke hork it up chokers
  14. FML man just once in my adult life I'd like a win in a situation like this
  15. Refs coming thru on the clutch
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