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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. Cabo wabo keeps me winning
  2. Holy hell you're alive! I thought we'd lost you
  3. Of course I don't get that game. I get ***** NFC south games, Tampa/Caroline and Atlanta/no Someone stab me in the face
  4. Also, the game isn't at home, Mike mularkey isnt the coach, and it isn't playing to squeak into the last WC spot. Other than that, totally the same lol
  5. That's because you're emotionally soft. The circumstances of this game are utterly different.
  6. Doomer warmups today I see
  7. Someone beat me to it, I am truly sorry Forgive me please Gug
  8. this may be the most challenged post ever. why on earth wouldn't they try
  9. bippity bippity bump We need more Haiku around here! It's Dolphins week!
  10. I mean that post was like " Hey guys! Guess what? Water is wet!"
  11. Whippersnapper! Get Off my proverbial lawn Grumble grumble snarl
  12. Should be drafting Diggs replacement. He's looking like he fell off a cliff
  13. Cannot speak for the BBMB and its stuff Haiku since ninety-eight
  14. IDK. He's clearly the most valuable player for his team.
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