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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. How about the stat on the bottom? Third in the AFC for total TD behind the media darlings Jackson and Watson?
  2. That little stat on the bottom's gonna be tough for the critics to explain away.
  3. I love the voice screening on my pixel
  4. I'm not so sure. Knew a couple REALLY hot amys in high school. ?
  5. Constant. No one loves looking backward more than Bills fans.
  6. Hell, let's throw it back to Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Nine man!
  7. Yeah, I'm not surprised.
  8. You know, if I could read charts and tables, I'd actually be dangerous ?‍♂️
  9. Not me. I don't give any credence to any of PFFs made up stats.
  10. Incoming Jeremy White to tell us that 4,the quarter comebacks don't matter.
  11. You realize, of course, that Josh is on Pace to have similar passing TD numbers to Russell Wilson's first two seasons and that he's doing that with a LOT less surrounding talent?
  12. Could say the same for the other wunderkind, pederson.
  13. With that, I'm out. This game is trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrash
  14. Sun shines on a dog's ass once in a while
  15. dem arizona state cheerleaders, doe
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