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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. He's not wrong about the sabres.
  2. Billion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ of reason$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  3. But prince isn't?
  4. Bet you're a blast at parties.
  5. Am I? They're all about digging out #racists in sports. Probably why they leaped at the opportunity to be the first to report this.
  6. Right, semantics. They leaped at the first opportunity to call someone a racist without any vetting.
  7. https://www.doubledeckerrecords.com/ This place is STILL around, albeit under a different name than it used to be. Spent many a dollar in there.
  8. lol @ ESPN accusing someone of racist talk. color me *shocked*
  9. Not really, but I *DO* miss the pure joy of coming across something in the stacks really interesting or rare, or both.
  10. I was a record store junkie as a teenager, always in one buying cassettes/records and later CDs.
  11. I love his thoughts on the topic.
  12. I never said they were. I only said morrissey fared a lot better than the rest, long term.
  13. Grandpa, who are those strange people you talk to online? Happy birthday @Nervous Guy, you eeb!
  14. Whole lot of elderly all the sudden! Hbd @Guffalo!
  15. Morrissey did well for himself, I'm pretty sure lol Rest of the band not so much. I like the police in small doses. So lonely is a good song.
  16. I'd argue that the Smiths were the best band of the 1980s, and weren't a huge radio presence. Meat is murder is from start to finish one of the best albums I've ever heard.
  17. The best 80s bands never had a song on the radio. Or one at the most.
  18. Dude, check page one.
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