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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. If they blitz like this next week I like our chances
  2. There were pellets
  3. That's a catch
  4. Tua got away with that
  5. Dubious play calling there
  6. Need better receivers
  7. No one on this Miami defense worries me
  8. Deep in the doghouse
  9. Denver OL letting multiple rushers unblocked Really bad
  10. What? The dude LITERALLY got sent to an ambulance
  11. Same guys: "bills can't win close games" *Bills win a close game* "What's wrong with this team?!??"
  12. The fact they've won 10 with this remedial offense is amazing
  13. I'm flummoxed by the defense, they play almost exclusively zone and the always struggle in third and long
  14. Defense was bipolar today, either brilliant or maddening, nothing in between. Milano is a wicked man
  15. Who knows how the mysterious, soulless ginger mind works?
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