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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. What an unlikeable team What an unlikeable team What an unlikeable team
  2. Lol tnf has been GREAT except for the matchups. Hope Amazon gets the full rights because ***** DirecTV. Crooks
  3. That was ridiculous
  4. Uniforms are terrbl
  5. These guys must be new around here
  6. Been a rough couple weeks for you buddy
  7. Patriots defense doesn't scare me.
  8. Splenectomy
  9. This is how it's done Now I have a machine gun Ho ho ho dolphins
  10. Dude's an ass. Love when he gets embarrassed.
  11. NO He made doug flutie look like a QB
  12. HATED that guy. Maybe only hated Zach Thomas worse
  13. Cast out this nooblord Haikus for Miami are Ancient tradition
  14. I'd root for al Quaeda before I root for Miami
  15. Bills fan doesn't enjoy rewatching wins. Sus
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