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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. Stop with the Joe-phobia
  2. Wish I could join you all this year. For those considering attending, the train to the stadium is the way to go. Park in Secaucus and take the train, easy walk to the lot
  3. Dan Mitchell is marginal lol
  4. Yeah I'm not high on Denver or LV
  5. because, genius, we remember Ryan Jauron Mularkey Williams and on and on AND we've seen Pegula's astute coaching hires for the Sabres. what makes YOU so sure he won't pick an utter buffoon?
  6. again, you're not a serious person, and this is not a serious question if you were a serious person asking a serious question, you'd know why brady won so many super bowls. his division was automatic for almost the entirety of his career. most of his postseasons, he had to only win twice to advance to the sb that's your bloody secret sauce, pal
  7. Troll trolls, people astounded
  8. Find me an honest billionaire. One who made his billions without cheating, lying, peddling influence or anything else underhanded. Just one.
  9. Is not an entity that is in a favored position with the state such that they have a codified exemption from regulation NOT a peak example of.business-state intertwining? Think investment banks in 2008 Also, unexpected side bonus of this thread: Finding out who the snitches/collaborators are
  10. Btw, stole the meme for Twitter
  11. Outstanding memetic effort. Subpar linking skills, overall, B score
  12. Exactly. They want their cake and they want to eat it too, it's good that someone else takes a few slices first If those rights holders have antitrust exemptions, it's no longer market capitalism, it's state capitalism.
  13. Or else McGruff the crime dog is gonna snitch us out to the NFL
  14. It's ridiculous, really, that these kinds of things happen in a modern society
  15. Around here, "realism" is pessimism
  16. Gee, if only there was another option to watch the game
  17. Or look at taxpayers bilked out of billions under the he threat of blackmail. I have no pity for these robber barons
  18. Why? Why in the year of our Lord 2023 is such an idea ridiculous?
  19. Great analog. No really. I feel awful that these poor billionaires might go without their fifth residence
  20. Price the live game out of a working man's reach, price TV packages out of a working man's reach, act shocked and appalled when the working man streams the games
  21. McGruff out here taking a bite outta crime
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