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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Everything posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. If I knew that, I'd be running the franchise. Honestly, thought Josh should have been benched last night. He was CLEARLY off the rails. YES. Exactly.
  2. i think that's a bit of rose-colored glasses speaking there. There were MANY games under daboll where Josh went off the reservation like he did last night. It is who he is.
  3. Dorsey had the plan, and it was working. The short game was there all night. Problem is, Josh just CAN'T be patient enough to work that plan. He NEEDS to hit big passes for some reason
  4. Josh is going to hero ball, regardless of the play structure. Period. It's who he is and anyone denying that at this point is living a lie. Edit: I too thought he should have been benched after the fumble.
  5. The problem is: Other than benching Allen, how do you hold him accountable? What coach in the NFL is going to do that?
  6. Joe DiBiase says so? Well, then that settles it. Tell me, was it Dorsey's fault that Josh turned down an easy 15 yard gain on the ground to throw instead a hail mary into triple coverage that ended up picked off?
  7. cool, see you later Well, in fairness, also completely crushed the Jets' season hopes a minute into the game, so there's that
  8. apparently, you're having a hard time understanding my question. if the plays are there to be made, but the qb chooses not to take them...how is that on the coaches? The coaches are there to give the play. It's on the player to execute the play.
  9. I don't think he can. He is what he is.
  10. That literally makes no sense. If you call the plays, and the plays are open but the quarterback doesn't execute the plays, what is the coach gonna do? Climb down out of the booth an run them themselves?
  11. his first half was really good. The second, not so much. I'm not a fortune teller, and neither are you.
  12. It was working, the QB abandoned ship when he didn't need to
  13. That ain't on the coaches
  14. He needs neutering
  15. Ever own a horse? Like people, some horses are just ignorant #######s, and are just gonna do whatever they want
  16. It's the QB. Sacred cow around here, I know, but Josh Allen has been in the league long enough to know: 1) you can't be late over the middle 2) you shouldn't throw into triple coverage 3) that sometimes a sack and punting the ball away isn't a bad thing. And yet he continues to make those mistakes. Tell me, at what point should the finger of responsibility be pointed at the QB who just crapped his pants on national TV? You can lead a horse to water, but if it does not drink, it's on the horse.
  17. Easy to do when you're not winning, no
  18. Tre is back huh? You realize it was his missed tackle that surrendered the really long hall run, right? And that wasn't his only miss.
  19. Miami has no defense
  20. I was until our QB vomited all over himself
  21. This isn't even their worst regular season loss.
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