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Everything posted by LiterateStylish

  1. WR Kamar Aiken, OL Mark Asper, TE Kevin Brock, RB Zach Brown, LB Tank Carder, OLJames Carmon, WR Marcus Easley, DE Robert Eddins, DT Dwan Edwards, DT Jarron Gilbert, DB Isaiah Green, WR Derek Hagan, DT Kellen Heard, WR Ruvell Martin, LB Scott McKillop, PShawn Powell, WR Naaman Roosevelt, LB Nick Saenz, OL David Snow, RB Johnny White, OL Keith Williams.
  2. It made sense to the Bills too. Potter made the team.
  3. If he's fired, I hope Buddy has a plane waiting for him in NY ala Mario Williams. He's one heck of a defensive mind.
  4. In the conversation, sure. I dont think I could put him #1 though. Watching Cassel take that team to 11-5 took the wind out of Brady's sail a bit. I think when Peyton wins the Super Bowl with Denver, which I think he will, he will be considered the greatest.
  5. 8) Sorry fans of The Giants, Lions and Eagles. I love what Buffalo has up front after signing mega-starMario Williams. Mark Anderson was a nice cherry on top. I think Marcell Dareus becomes a stud in his second season. Kyle Williams is one of the most underrated defenders in the NFL. When he was injured last year, it sucked the life out of the Bills. He's healthy and this line will dominate in the pass rush and stopping the run. The Bills, because of the defensive line, are going 10-6. http://www.nfl.com/n...?module=HP11_cp
  6. I would say he was better than Roddy, Julio, Jennings, Cruz, Nicks, and in the same class as Andre and Fitz.
  7. Hmm. I thought Brady had more pull...
  8. And it's a damn shame. I had forgotten what a talent this man had, and how much of a difference he could have made on a team with a competent coaching staff and a good QB. While spending some down time watching classic Bills games on YouTube, I stumped upon the highlight video below. And then it dawned on me; This is exactly the type of Wide Receiver the Bills need opposite Stevie Johnson. Strong, physical, good hands, and is not afraid to use the middle of the field. I truly believe that the undoing of this team will not be at QB, or at the offensive line. It will be at WR.
  9. What is up with the Russell Wilson love fest? Because he's a starter in SEATTLE? C'mon, it's the Seahawks.
  10. I think it's poor timing. Why are we talking hockey? IF the season starts, it wont be for MONTHS.
  11. Professional statisticians know that you only need to do as much to compiling as needed to get a result. Amateurs like to compile loads of information in the thought that it helps the end analysis. Sometimes it does, often times it doesn't. Some said that the amount of plays varied, so the results are not valid. Not really. The plays were all very close, plus or minus 5 and the teams who scored more invariably had some more plays due to longer drives. Some say that the analysis is flawed because you don't have a comparison to teams who fared poorly, and those people simply missed the point. The point being that preseason is not indicative of regular season performance. Therefore, supplying bottom feeder numbers is not needed. Good statisticians can draw conclusions from less information. Poor ones need the kitchen sink to validate their argument. I respectfully disagree with you.
  12. I appreciate you taking the time to read my thread. But I'm not going to debate with someone who only came to be argumentative. Don't bother. It's not worth it.
  13. I'm not sure how you could make the argument that the Steelers or Giants were the best team heading into those seasons. What was smug about it? I said "lol" because I was laughing.
  14. My hypothesis is in the original post. It's not my fault that you didn't read it. It's not even my fault if you don't like it. I clearly stated that preseason performance is not indicative of regular season performance or success. Many here believe that preseason performance means something. It doesn't. You simply are being argumentative and I'm not going to squabble.
  15. No thanks. I can see that you're an argumentative person. Those numbers are just the starters.
  16. There is no need for detailed references and coefficients. This is a Football forum and my statistical references are valid, although simplistic. If you need a detailed report on the variability between low income housing and sewer backages in relation to the wage paid to county workers to fix the issue, then let me know and I'll be happy to oblige. PS, we don't use Excel in the professional setting Perhaps you need to re-read the original post. I never said to remove any data. In fact, I clearly pointed out that pre-season is not indicative of season long results due to the variability.
  17. Those are Super Bowl teams. I think our more immediate goal is simply a playoff birth.
  18. Taking a look at the offensive performances of the last 5 Super Bowl Champions during the pre-season of their Super Bowl year. Starters only. Buffalo Bills 2012: 17 points through 3 games. New York Giants 2011: Game One: 3 points against Carolina Game Two: 13 points against Chicago Game Three: 3 points against Jets Game Four: 3 points against Patriots Total: 22 points Green Bay Packers 2010: Game One: 14 points against Cleveland Game Two: 14 points against Seattle Game Three: 21 points against Colts Game Four: Starters didn't play Total: 45 points New Orleans Saints 2009: Game One: 7 points against Bengals Game Two: 7 points against Texans Game Three: 21 points against Raiders Game Four: Starters didn't play Total: 35 points Pittsburgh Steelers 2008: Game One: 10 points against Eagles Game Two: 6 points against Vikings Game Three: 7 points against Buffalo (This is the game that Trent looked great in, hitting Robert Royal in the back of the endzone) Game Four: 0 points Total: 23 points New York Giants 2007: Game One: 7 points against Carolina Game Two: 7 points against Baltimore Game Three: 10 points against Jets Game Three: 0 points against Patriots Total: 24 points Do you see a pattern? With the exception of the Saints and Packers, the other Super Bowl teams did not put up anything special in way of Pre-Season points. The reason I wanted to post this thread, is to point out that while there are teams like the Packers and Saints who show their offensive ability in the pre-season, there are others like the Giants and Steelers who do not. My hypothesis not that the Bills offense will accomplish anything significant, but rather that pre-season is not a good indicator of season long performance.
  19. If preseason is an indicator of how a team will fare in the season, then we are in great position. We should be competing for the division based on how poor NE, Miami, and the Jets have looked as well.
  20. You are absolutely horrendous at stat analysis.
  21. Wow. Absolutely wrong. You clearly are not good at statistical analysis.
  22. Of course you can. Statistically, it is very relevant. And yet they only scored 22 more points. So what is your point? That a better QB, better O-line, better defense and so forth doesn't equal more points? Also, it's ridiculous to say that the Giants have a better play caller.
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