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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. I also like john ritter in Bad Santa.
  2. Best - Movie - Ever! Also, Broken Lizard's first movie - Puddle Cruiser is VERY good.
  3. Great F-ing movie and a better book. Best use of music in a movie, ever - especially Lou Reed's "Perfect Day." Here are some of may favorite quotes from the movie: The other quotes I could not find that I really liked was teh one where Begbie says he looks down on anyone addicted to drugs as he gulps down his beer (he is a fierce alcoholic). The other one I like is when Renton talks about how his mother is a legal drug addict (valume).
  4. That was my family at our last reunion - hey we're famous!
  5. I love these type of lists on here because I learn about movies I have not seen. Someone mentioned Galaxy Quest in another thread and I wondered what were your favorite underrated comedy? I like only listing them one at a time - easier to read and comment on. So mine is: Detroit Rock City
  6. Ok, its Friday - where is the video of LSI peeping on the retirement home?
  7. The real question is, where was LSI when this video was taken?
  9. uh, this was not meant to be pulitzer prize investigative journalism. It is meant for what it is - a funny inside editorial. Nothing else.
  10. This part had me rolling in laughter:
  11. Tiabbi used to write for a Buffalo rag called the "Buffalo Beast." He used to cover a lot of my events. Yes, he was an ass - but a funny ass. Journalism needs people like him to point out the absurdity of today's politics.
  12. BTW, MR. Slothrop is now above 60 in completion %. This is after he started the first few games around 50%. So his last few games have been aroiund 70%. He has been on fire. Lets throw the ball around coach!
  13. BTW, my TIVO did not record an episode last friday - was there no new episode?
  14. We should have just let the South win the damn war.
  15. THis is the best show on TV! This season is great! That's all. What was with the Hybrid's "harvenger of death" comment? Any theories on that? The hybrid in season 2.5 said the same thing.
  16. She is the f-ing devil.
  17. This is the best and most articulate recitation of the issues I have heard all year. This dude is the man!
  18. Where is that middle finger smiley when you need it
  19. I won my fantasy league last year. I get to name the last place team in accordance with the league theme (which I also get to name). The league theme is beer. There are so many disgusting choices such as Beast, Natty, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Red Dog, etc. Or, I could go the way of Malt Beverage - i.e. Colt 45 and Mickey's. Any insulting names you can think of?
  20. Also, their lips symbol is derived from "the kiss of death."
  21. No way! Really! You better tell the cops!
  22. He is so good that he almost made "More Than Words" actually sound good.
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