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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. This may be the worst draft I have ever seen! HE must have intentionally done this, it can not be serious.
  2. The problem is that the UN could not act legally! If it did it would be legitimizing an illegal action. The Neo-Cons designed this conundrum to place the UN in an impossible place. Say what you like about the UN - but strive to fix it not destroy it. THe model of international relations the Neo-Cons strive for is a pre-20th centrury "wild-west" model, where the isolation is the rule, except if you are big enough to conquer others. In an age of significant global problems that are not isolated to national boundries the pre-20th century model will (has) have a devastating destabalizing effect.
  3. Annan - U.S. Violated International Law This is not news - anyone who is a lawyer or even has a basic notion of international law knows this to be true. The scary part is that the neo-cons don't care?! That is their answer to this ciritque. They see international law as an unfortunate mistake of the 20th century. They are on a mission to erase the 20th century (abolish international law, new deal programs, worker rights, anti-trust laws, enviromental protections, etc., etc,). However, the neo-cons further destabilize the global community by violating international law in such acute ways, when we should be striving to strengthen international law! Terrorism, global poverty, and AIDS are global problems that will require global solutions. Kerry should be all over this. How can Bush continue to say that he worked hard to gain international support! I laugh at that statement everytime I hear it.
  4. Yet another depressing day in the life of a Mets fan. It as though I, as a Mets fan, have been in baseball "Bazaro World." Nothing surprises me anymore.
  5. correct - it is also a 10 team league
  6. I guy who has Steve Smith want to make the following trade with me - I am leaning toward accepting: He wants Edgerinn James and Terrell Owens - He will give me: McCallister, Holt, Heap (he orignally wanted me to give him Portis, but I talked him into Edge). Alternatively he offered: Quinten Griffin and HEap for Chad Johnson. What do you think about both trades?
  7. Awwww, poor yankee fans! I love this - Seeing the yankees tank the end of their season is the only joy this MEts fan has gotten out of baseball for a while!
  8. thank you - I thought my opinions were being overlooked. I really see a lot of promise and the errors we saw are correctable.
  9. go copywright that one. 28656[/snapback] Didn't someone else say that?
  10. I posted this in a thread below, but it fits here: Look, I am pissed about the loss. I am mossed pissed about the boneheaded play of Fletcher and Clements. BUT, I am optimistic for the following reasons: - Bills have a new coaching staff with a new offensive system. It will probably be about week 4 when all the "kinks" are worked out. Considering this, the offense showed that is has potential. Did anyone see how the used formations? The Jags were downright confused on many - especially when Moulds went into motion and then moved away from the LOS and Henry hit a big Draw play. They use the reverse very well to limit backside pursuit and the play action was effective. - Bledsoe does not NEED to be a difference maker. He needs to be a high percentage passer to move the sticks. That is where the short passing game comes in and yesterday proved to me that it can be effective. How many drives were killed by Mould's fumbles and penalties? These are correctable problems. - More so, Bledsoe seems like he will do well in this system. HE delviered the ball decisively and quickly. Also, did you see how mnay times he stepped UP in the pocket? Our OL is keeping pressure out of Bledsoe's face, a critical factor for Drew's success. - THe defense was great up until that horrendous last drive. Blame for the last drive was equal parts play calling and idiotic players. In that situation YOU NEVER ALLOW A CB TO BE PLACED ONE-ON-ONE WITH THEIR BEST WR! ALWAYS HAVE DEEP SAFETY HELP! This is correctable. - THe pass rush was consistant - not many sacks but many hurries. THus, I am reserving judgment until week four to allow this new coaching staff and system to settle. If we see after week four what we saw yesterday, then I will be the biggest critic on this board.
  11. So YOU'RE the author of this cliche! Hurry, get it trademarked and copyrighted! Look, I am pissed about the loss. I am mossed pissed about the boneheaded play of Fletcher and Clements. BUT, I am optimistic for the following reasons: - Bills have a new coaching staff with a new offensive system. It will probably be about week 4 when all the "kinks" are worked out. Considering this, the offense showed that is has potential. Did anyone see how the used formations? The Jags were downright confused on many - especially when Moulds went into motion and then moved away from the LOS and Henry hit a big Draw play. They use the reverse very well to limit backside pursuit and the play action was effective. - Blesdoe and the short passing game will be very effective and high percentage. Did you see how many times drew stepped UP in the pocket? our OL is keeping them out of his face - which is critical for Drew's success! - THe defense was great up until that horrendous last drive. Blame for the last drive was equal parts play calling and idiotic players. In that situation YOU NEVER ALLOW A CB TO BE PLACED ONE-ON-ONE WITH THEIR BEST WR! ALWAYS HAVE DEEP SAFETY HELP! This is correctable. - THe pass rush was consistant - not many sacks but many hurries. THus, I am reserving judgment until week four to allow this new coaching staff and system to settle. If we see after week four what we saw yesterday, then I will be the biggest critic on this board.
  12. Is Rider related to William Shakespear?
  13. I think this was my first game! I lived in Watertown and when I was 17 or so me and my friend drove to Buffalo for the game. I remember that Davis and THomas combined for over 200yds rushing. However, I remember getting an education on how to dress for a game. I remember it being about 32.0000001 degrees outside with a consistent rain. I was wearing a regular T-Shirt underneath a fall jacket, one pairs of jeans that soaked up water like a sponge, and sneakers. My friend as similarly dressed. When we left I remember the strange sensation of not being able to feel my feet when I walked and falling repeatedly due to this condition. IT is both one of my favorite and awful memories.
  14. LOL! Hehe! LOL! , oh wait, that was rude, I am sorry. :
  15. 1. Manning 2. Brady 3. Culpepper 4. McNair 5. Pennington Favre was in the top five - he has dropped off the past two seasons. Pennington is amazingly accurate, smart, and effective. I would have him as my QB ANY day.
  16. Just to show you that you are not "all that" here is the starting lineup in my ten-team league - not 8 like yours. I would put my team against yours anyday - my WR's are much better: I had the #1 pick overall - I traded it and my 6th round pick for the #6 pick (1st round) and the #15 pick (in the second round). It is a ten team league, 6pts for all TD's with bonuses for longer TD's. We also get performance bonuses (+5pts for rushing over 100yds, etc.) Here are the results: STARTERS: T Green QB (5th round) C Portis RB (1st round) E James RB (2nd round) C Johnson WR (2nd round) J Smith WR (4th round) T Owens WR (3rd round) D Clark TE (14th round) A Elling K (now I have Andersen) (16th round) D Broncos DST (15th round)
  17. Who is in your league, your mom and your brother?! Actually, my ten-team league team looked as good or better than yours, but I robbed someone of their second round pick to assemble the team when I traded teh #1 pick overall.
  18. "Baby, I had to prove to everyone that I had more hair on my back than you did." or "I got all prettied-up for Joe Gibbs because I knew he was sitting in front of us! - oh damn!, I put that there three on my back!"
  19. Most of the people in my leagues are fairly bright - so the dumbest picks as far as value is concerned was stephen davis at pick 7 or 8. Though a certain logic could be made for that pick since the first seven or 8 picks were backs - I just ahd many more backs rated before Davis. He is a solid second round pick.
  20. R. Rich, I agree with most of your assesments of our draft, with a few minor disagreements. However, your averaging of the grades are off, IMO. I think you should "weigh" the positions, so for example, a solid RB corp is far more important than having a "great kicker." So the RB score should be weighted higher. Oh sh*t, I think I officially crossed the line into fantasy "geekdom" with this post. I will just go play Dungons and Drangons now.
  21. it sounds as though that judge does not need viagra
  22. Who is passing around the Viagra?
  23. I found this quote from a Buffalo Bills press release: "In partnership with the American Heart Association, the Buffalo Bills will no longer be serving fried bologna at Ralph Wilson Stadium," said team President, Tom Donohoe. "We realize that a few people may be upset, but we encourage them to try our other great menu items, that are diet food relative to fired bologna. Pizza, cheese bugers, hot dogs, and nachos will only kill you in 10 years. We havealready reported five bologna related deaths in the past three years. Our decision today is for the public good."
  24. ordinaryily I would say you screwed up because you took a kicker in the 4th round and a defense in the 6th - way too early. However, you got a HUGE steal by getting henry in the 11th round! How did that happen? And how did Tomlinson drop to the third pick? So you have a solid team that could use some help at WR. Are you in a league with five year old kids and dogs?
  25. i don't want to comment on this either way other than to say that the first I heard of the story was on the BBC - and there were clear boo's. If it happened, it is not a commentary on Bush, rather it is on the world Limabaugh and the other nutty right-wing media folks who fostered an irrational anti-clinton atmosphere.
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