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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. I am not sure what you are getting at, but non-citizens are afforded the same protections as citizens. Therefore he can plead the fifth.
  2. In your opinion, which is a more interesting stellar body - pulsars or quasars - and why?
  3. I smell the foul stench of sarcasm lurking in this thread.
  4. I would still instruct him to "take the 5th" because a Congressional hearing is not a court of law (sort-of) and any answer he gives could be used against him down the road in a court of law. It is still uncertain if McGuire would face any criminal charges, so why would I want my client to expose himself to liability? or box him in legally as far as legal options?
  5. As a lawyer I would say the answer is no. For example, what if they were asked a question whether they took any "performance enhancement drugs?" An answer to that ambiguous question, either yes or no, could bind them down the road. As a lawyer you want to preserve all of your client's rights and legal options. What may seem as a harmless question or a harmless answer may result in serious liability down the road.
  6. I am a syracuse grad and I watched almost all their home lacrosse games when I was there. Casey Powell played against my high school and I watched him dominate at syracuse. Lacrosse is one of the greatest live sports to watch. The speed is incredible. You should hear some of the stories about Jim Brown when he played lacrosse for Syracuse. HE forced them to change the rules!
  7. I hate when I get pooped on!
  8. This is why I do not run. I could run 20 miles per week, but would eventually end up screwing up my knees and other joints. Arthritis will eventually set-in and I would end up decrepid and crippled, relegated to the couch eating cheese-puffs and bon bons. This is why I have decided to skip to the inevitable end at age 30. By not exercising and taking my place on that couch with my healthy joints, cheese puffs, and bon bons I will avoid the pain and enjoy myself. And beer will take the place of those fun little endorphins you runners keep talking about.
  9. You mean its not true? It was the most plausable explanation I have seen for "Michael Jackson's" appearance and behavior.
  10. The award winning investigative journalists at the national publication called "The Onion" uncovered the murder of Michael Jackson.
  11. But he is a dog. Oh wait, no he wasn't - dogs are loyal and obedient. Flutie was a selfish locker room cancer with no regard for the team.
  12. you have it backwards - Kobain's genious was that he captured the sentiment of a generation, like a snapshot. He did not produce it - rather the generation produced him.
  13. Well, here is what Tom Donahoe thinks about Flutie as a "mentor" and team player from his recent Q&A:
  14. buffalo's own: Anal Pudding
  15. what's to ponder? You will have Balco's - uh, I mean MLB's, best player.
  16. you need to accept the trade I offered you in my league.
  17. I will always remember a quote of a great philosopher: "Fear is always the path to the Dark Side." - Yoda Fear of others has always been a cause of historic tragedies. Your zenophoboc fear of muslims (or arabs) can be very dangerous.
  18. I am going to draft only those with congressional subpoenas
  19. Gordie Howe will not play OLB for the bills this year
  20. I just joined up - my name is "Gravity's Rainbow"
  21. What about Tampa Bay's track record until about 1998! It seemed that had a top 5 pick every year. Edit: I just noticed in researching T.B.s' draft history that the picked Bo Jackson in the first round in 1986! What the hell did they trade him for?!
  22. Just one more spot open. The draft is tonight at 9:30, but you do not have to be online for the draft. JOIN UP!
  23. HEnry's stupidity just became official now!? Who would pay that much PLUS a draft pick for a stupid one-dimensional RB?
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